Itgendid103 with stored procedure : provider InMemory Storage 'incapable' when trying to fetch data

After some digging I found the code block in cause and it relates to httpdownload@DataDictionary with the method detailed here : How to send multiple key values in Authorization header with httpdownload.

The API enpoint now returns a 404 error.

The error is not caught in the error catch logic :

  select * from httpdownload@DataDictionary (...)
  join jsontable (...)
    when others
    -- do exception work here 

My findings so far :

  • The 404 error returned by the httpdownload@DataDictionary is not caught by the exception handler
  • It seems there is a change in the httpdownload@DataDictionary method. I tested the API with a cURL query and it works.

I will share my query in a private message, because it contains some confidential access key.