Itgenoda061 Expression expected at position 867. Server heeft een fout geretourneerd: (400) Ongeldige opdracht

Bij het uitvoeren op Invantive Control for Excel 20.1.386 van onderstaande query krijg ik als foutmelding:

Expression expected at position 867.

select tl.ProjectCode Projectnummer
,      tl.ProjectDescription
,      so.ShopOrderNumber WerkorderNummer
,      so.ShopOrderMainNumber WerkOrderNummerOuder
,      tl.Description Omschrijving
,      tl.Date Datum
,      tl.EntryNumber Boekstuknummer
,      tl.FinancialYear Boekjaar
,      tl.FinancialPeriod Periode
,      concat (tl.GLAccountCode + ' -- ' + tl.GLAccountDescription) Grootboekrekening
,      concat(tl.ItemCode + ' -- ' + tl.ItemDescription) Artikel
,      concat(tl.JournalCode + ' -- ' + tl.JournalDescription) Dagboek
,      concat(tl.ProjectCode + ' -- ' + tl.ProjectDescription) Project
,      tl.Quantity Aantal
,      tl.AmountDC Bedrag
,      it.CostPriceStandard Kostprijs
,      smpd.IssuedQuantity UitgegevenAantal
,      case
       when tl.Type = '130' then im.Quantity
       when tl.Type = '140' then sr.Quantity
       when tl.Type = '141' then srv.Quantity
       when tl.Type = '142' then sor.Quantity
       else '999999'
       end MaterialAantal
,      case
       when tl.Status = '20' then 'Open'
       when tl.Status = '50' then 'Verwerkt'
       else null
       end Status
,      tl.Type
,      case
           when tl.Type = '20' then 'Sales entry'
           when tl.Type = '21' then 'Sales credit note'
           when tl.Type = '30' then 'Purchase entry'
           when tl.Type = '31' then 'Purchase credit note'
           when tl.Type = '120' then 'Delivery'
           when tl.Type = '121' then 'Sales return'
           when tl.Type = '130' then 'Receipt'
           when tl.Type = '131' then 'Purchase return'
           when tl.Type = '140' then 'Shop order stock receipt'
           when tl.Type = '141' then 'Shop order stock reversal'
           when tl.Type = '142' then 'Issue to parent'
           when tl.Type = '145' then 'Shop order time entry'
           when tl.Type = '146' then 'Shop order time entry reversal'
           when tl.Type = '147' then 'Shop order by-product receipt'
           when tl.Type = '148' then 'Shop order by-product reversal'
           when tl.Type = '150' then 'Requirement issue'
           when tl.Type = '151' then 'Requirement reversal'
           when tl.Type = '152' then 'Returned from parent'
           when tl.Type = '155' then 'Subcontract Issue'
           when tl.Type = '156' then 'Subcontract reversal'
           when tl.Type = '158' then 'Shop order completed'
           when tl.Type = '160' then 'Finish assembly'
           else 'Onbekend'
       end Type
from   ExactOnlineRest..TransactionLinesBulk tl
join   ExactOnlineRest..ShopOrders so
on     so.ID = tl.ShopOrder
join   ExactOnlineRest..Items it
on     it.ID = tl.Item
join   ExactOnlineRest..ShopOrderMaterialPlanDetails smpd
on     smpd.ShopOrder = tl.ShopOrder
and    smpd.Item = tl.Item
join   ExactOnlineRest..MaterialIssues im
on     im.Item = tl.Item
and    im.ShopOrder = tl.ShopOrder
join   ExactOnlineRest..ShopOrderReceipts sr
on     sr.Item = tl.Item
and    sr.ShopOrder = tl.ShopOrder
join   ExactOnlineRest..ShopOrderReversals srv
on     srv.Item = tl.Item
and    srv.ShopOrder = tl.ShopOrder
join   ExactOnlineRest..SubOrderReceipts sor
on     sor.Item = tl.Item
and    sor.SubShopOrder = tl.ShopOrder
where  tl.FinancialYear > '2019'
and    tl.Project is not null
--so.ShopOrderNumber = '18'
--where  so.ShopOrderMainNumber = '17'

De URL uit sessionios@DataDictionary is:

/api/v1/33150/manufacturing/ShopOrderMaterialPlanDetails?$select=*&$filter=(Item%20eq%20guid'02704438-36bd-42c1-b282-0d66715a062d' or Item%20eq%20guid'a0e41434-690b-4aa1-9e4a-ab71382f9ddd' or Item%20eq%20guid'828f6703-027c-417b-a4e9-084c3999693a' or Item%20eq%20guid'4f5ba3cc-dd40-4d95-ac7f-9d5a2b3c3b23' or Item%20eq%20guid'942f6ebb-9d09-4ab1-a03c-2f3446f5290f' or Item%20eq%20guid'a8426685-e00c-4788-834c-ca7f63805169' or Item%20eq%20guid'cdfca1bd-2a80-41ef-a2f5-b98029f77864' or Item%20eq%20guid'ff98a60e-680d-4ffc-a2d8-ca868cba4272' or Item%20eq%20guid'822d449d-57bb-46d2-8732-99e9bbc59676' or Item%20eq%20guid'e8d0467e-aba5-492a-b308-f99018f00ac5' or Item%20eq%20guid'd02b4a21-cbad-4888-8c25-07bbf9e25e78' or Item%20eq%20guid'08acb124-aa7c-4f3a-a374-8a97b62c098d' or Item%20eq%20guid'a52b6d49-e26b-4361-aeb6-037ff710a7b4' or Item%20eq%20guid'a196b160-cb71-4b5f-9488-e822ab80724f' or Item%20eq%20guid'05414dfc-fe2a-46bb-9fb7-9891a9b5a006' or Item%20eq%20guid'193d8ccb-e149-439f-bac6-beeea1485a9b')%20and%20

In de trace staat:

15:46:06.53532-d0-t6: 15:46:05.23494-WPF-AdvancedControl-42fccde4-3885-4136-b12f-570473493ee4-55: Using field 'Item' from object 'ExactOnlineREST.Manufacturing.ShopOrderMaterialPlanDetails' for server-side filtering operator 'In' as 'Item%20eq%20guid'0b65a3e8-86a2-41a5-ab82-2d1f5b46e78c''.
15:46:06.53532-d0-t6: 15:46:05.23794-WPF-AdvancedControl-42fccde4-3885-4136-b12f-570473493ee4-55: Split 2.546 OData filters and keep what can be fit in 2.288 characters using at most 16 filters.
15:46:06.53532-d0-t6: 15:46:05.24394-WPF-AdvancedControl-42fccde4-3885-4136-b12f-570473493ee4-55: Skip AND-filter with probability 0,00111 and probability per character of 0,00000: filter text 
15:46:06.53532-d0-t6: 15:46:05.24394-WPF-AdvancedControl-42fccde4-3885-4136-b12f-570473493ee4-55: Constructed 90 OData filters from splitting 1.433 OData 2nd level OR-filters and 0 AND-filters.
15:46:06.53532-d0-t6: 15:46:05.24394-WPF-AdvancedControl-42fccde4-3885-4136-b12f-570473493ee4-55: Split of OData filters into 2.288 characters led to 90 new filters.
15:46:06.53532-d0-t6: 15:46:05.24694-WPF-AdvancedControl-42fccde4-3885-4136-b12f-570473493ee4-55: Get data in try #1 from URL '$select=*&$filter=(Item%20eq%20guid'02704438-36bd-42c1-b282-0d66715a062d' or Item%20eq%20guid'a0e41434-690b-4aa1-9e4a-ab71382f9ddd' or Item%20eq%20guid'828f6703-027c-417b-a4e9-084c3999693a' or Item%20eq%20guid'4f5ba3cc-dd40-4d95-ac7f-9d5a2b3c3b23' or Item%20eq%20guid'942f6ebb-9d09-4ab1-a03c-2f3446f5290f' or Item%20eq%20guid'a8426685-e00c-4788-834c-ca7f63805169' or Item%20eq%20guid'cdfca1bd-2a80-41ef-a2f5-b98029f77864' or Item%20eq%20guid'ff98a60e-680d-4ffc-a2d8-ca868cba4272' or Item%20eq%20guid'822d449d-57bb-46d2-8732-99e9bbc59676' or Item%20eq%20guid'e8d0467e-aba5-492a-b308-f99018f00ac5' or Item%20eq%20guid'd02b4a21-cbad-4888-8c25-07bbf9e25e78' or Item%20eq%20guid'08acb124-aa7c-4f3a-a374-8a97b62c098d' or Item%20eq%20guid'a52b6d49-e26b-4361-aeb6-037ff710a7b4' or Item%20eq%20guid'a196b160-cb71-4b5f-9488-e822ab80724f' or Item%20eq%20guid'05414dfc-fe2a-46bb-9fb7-9891a9b5a006' or Item%20eq%20guid'193d8ccb-e149-439f-bac6-beeea1485a9b')%20and%20'. Disk cache: False/False, memory cache False/True.
15:46:06.53532-d0-t6: 15:46:05.24694-WPF-AdvancedControl-42fccde4-3885-4136-b12f-570473493ee4-55: Rate limit 'partition-slots-ExactOnlineRest - 33150' slot 25 of 54, 187 hits, sleep 1.034 ms to limit to 54 calls per 66.000 ms, previous call in same slot 64.967 ms ago. Context:$select=*&$filter=(Item%20eq%20guid'02704...' or Item%20eq%20guid'05414dfc-fe2a-46bb-9fb7-9891a9b5a006' or Item%20eq%20guid'193d8ccb-e149-439f-bac6-beeea1485a9b')%20and%20

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