AutoTask Block Hour Contract Rates

I’m having difficulties finding the rates for contract type “Block Hour” in AutoTask.

The standard rates table Autotask.ContractRates.ContractRates@at does not contain rates for Block Hour contracts.

There’s also a specific table for Block Hour contract: Autotask.ContractBlockHourFactors.ContractBlockHourFactors@at, which contains the following information (excl. the soap… columns):

So no contract rate here.

When I look into what should be here, in table Autotask.Metadata.ContractBlockHourFactorsEntityInformationFields@at, there is an indication of a contractHourlyRate:


I thought it might be an Power Query issue, to I checked the UniversalSQL on the Invantive platform:

Could you please check if there is a technical issue why the contractHourlyRate does not show in the Autotask.ContractBlockHourFactors.ContractBlockHourFactors@at table?

There is no reason to assume a technical issue.

Maybe another user has a way to determine the needed information.

In case you suspect a technical issue nonetheless, it is recommended to schedule a short consult with a consult. In case an evident bug is found in the Invantive SQL logic, the consult will not be charged.

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