AutoTask Ticket History

I’m looking for the history of Tickets in AutoTask.

Each ticket in AutoTask has several statuses (Intake, In Progress, Solved, Completed, …). In AutoTask GUI I can see for a ticket each status, the DateTime is was set to that status and by whom.

I’ve been looking in the available tables in the AutoTask connector, but I can’t find the correct table.

Anyone who has the golden tip?

Untested, but maybe TicketHistory?

I found the same table in the documentation, but when I try to access the table, it is not available. The only TicketHistory table found is the one with the count of rows…
I’m accessing the data via the ODATA feed.

Clear. The table TicketHistory is a table function (see What are table functions and table function parameters?).

A view can be created to use it from Power BI, but note that this require one API call per ticket. For instance, with 100.000 tickets in the filtered selection of 500.000 tickets in total, retrieval will trigger 100.000 API calls.

An example of the creation of a custom view can be found in Using custom database views for SQL and BI tools.

It is recommended to test this query first in the UniversalSQL-editor.

For my info: how does the amount of API calls compare to a ‘normal’ daily refresh of a table via OData?

Hard to say, but use as a rule of thumb: factor 100 increase.

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