Bij het repliceren van een Exact Online administratie naar SQL Server treedt een foutmelding op sinds versie 20.2.126:
2021-11-21 08:42:12.688 Information itgensql264: Invantive SQL statement started.
2021-11-21 08:42:12.821 Warning itgendhb173: Context: insert into xxdru_desired_tables@inmemorystorage ( full_qualif… ( ‘ExactOnlineXML.XML.Costunits’, ‘SELECTED’, null, ‘eol’) )
2021-11-21 08:42:12.855 Error itgencun016: Error itgenrst007: The metadata of the columns ‘partition_code’ specifies that null values should not appear, but there is a null value in row #0.
Ensure that the nullable property in the metadata of XXDRU_DESIRED_TABLES matches the values.
data_container_alias (String/string): eol, full_qualified_name…ition_filter (String/string): SELECTED, rowid$ (Int64/int64): 2
2021-11-21 08:42:14.859 Error itgenrst007: Invantive.Basics.InvantiveSqlException
Het aanmaken van deze tabel gebeurt met:
-- List of tables to be excluded.
-- The partition filter enables you to specify from what partitions the tables should be taken.
-- Possible values are:
-- * ACTIVE: all active partitions (company on Exact Online), except those listed in
-- xxdru_excluded_partitions.
-- * ACTIVESUB: the first active partition of every owning company
-- (subscription on Exact Online), except those listed in
-- xxdru_excluded_partitions.
-- * SPECIFIC: one specific partition, listed in partition_code.
create or replace table xxdru_desired_tables@inmemorystorage
select 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
label 'Fully Qualified Table Name'
, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
label 'Partition Filter'
, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
label 'Partition Code'
, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
label 'Data Container Alias (optional)'
from dual@DataDictionary
where false
Daarna worden er zoals zichtbaar in de foutmelding de te laden Exact Online tabelnamen in gezet evenals een aantal filters.
Hoe voorkomen we deze foutmelding?