Extension to rotation: execute across ALL listed datacontainer instead of one selected round robin

We have 10+ companies in Snelstart, and each one requires a separate data container due to limitation of the Snelstart API.

A rotator like:

select '001' Entiteit
,      t.*
from   SnelStart.Grootboek.Grootboekrekeningen@{snr01,snr02} t
where  t.nummer = 1100

will retrieve a row from a different company each time.

Workaround is to use a union all like:

create or replace view GrootboekrekeningenAll
select '001' Entiteit
,      t.*
from   SnelStart.Grootboek.Grootboekrekeningen@snr01 t
where  t.nummer = 1100
union all
select '002' Entiteit
,      t.*
from   SnelStart.Grootboek.Grootboekrekeningen@snr02 t
where  t.nummer = 1100

But this becomes cumbersome.

It would be nice when data containers have the same model, we would be able to run across all data containers. This also holds for differnt Exact Online subscriptions across multiple countries.

For instance:

select '001' Entiteit
,      t.*
from   SnelStart.Grootboek.Grootboekrekeningen@[snr01,snr02] t
where  t.nummer = 1100

this still allows round robin rotator to be used in combination with the square brackets.