Bij het aanmelden op Exact Online vanuit Data Hub krijgen we opeens deze foutmelding:
09:13:56.128 itgencmr456: Connecting to Exact Online (alias eol2).
09:13:56.129 itgencmr456: Connecting to SQL Server (alias sql).
09:13:56.146 itgengpr065: Opening data container 'sql (with original OAuth access token)'.
09:13:56.157 itgengpr065: Opening data container 'eol2 (REST with original OAuth access token)'.
09:13:56.221 itgengpr152: Opened data container 'eol2 (REST with original OAuth access token)'.
09:13:56.307 itgengpr065: Opening data container 'eol2 (XML with original OAuth access token)'.
09:13:56.337 itgengpr152: Opened data container 'eol2 (XML with original OAuth access token)'.
09:13:56.343 itgengpr065: Opening data container 'eol2 (Premium with original OAuth access token)'.
09:13:56.434 itgengpr152: Opened data container 'eol2 (Premium with original OAuth access token)'.
09:13:56.441 itgengpr152: Opened data container 'sql (with original OAuth access token)'.
09:13:56.681 itgencmr463: Status report. (Connected using last known OAuth access token., eol2, ExactOnlineAll, 533 ms)
09:13:58.387 Error itgenoey040: A connection to the database 'ACME\Mammoet' could not be established as user ''.
The email address or password is incorrect.
09:13:58.417 Question itgencun002: Show details? Question? [y/N]
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