I am retrieving sales orders and order lines from Odoo using Odoo.sale.order@odo and Odoo.sale.order_line@odo, but it is really slow. We have several hundred thousand lines per year.
I am also getting errors like:
Le serveur Odoo agissait comme une passerelle ou un proxy et a reçu une réponse invalide du serveur en amont.
The remote server returned an error:
(502) Bad Gateway.
Odoo seems recently to have fluctuations in performance. You can analyze them using the following script:
l_cnt number;
l_id number;
for i in 1..5
select /*+ http_disk_cache(false) http_memory_cache(false) */ count(*)
into l_cnt
from odoo.sale.order@odo
where create_date > trunc(sysdate) - 7
select max(id)
into l_id
from sessionios@datadictionary
for r
( select duration_ms
, url
, public_query_parameters
from sessionios@datadictionary
where id = l_id
dbms_output.put_line('Call #' || to_char(i) || ' on ' || r.url || ' took ' ||to_char(r.duration_ms) || ' ms, parameters: ' || r.public_query_parameters);
end loop;
end loop;
This will run the same query five times and output the duration of only the API-call (so the Invantive infrastructure adds little to almost no extra duration).
When you see variations larger than 2,5x in a time frame, you might want to consult your Odoo partner whether additional resources can be made available.
When an individual Odoo API call takes more than the default 57 seconds, it will timeout and return a timeout error, which can include 502 Bad Gateway. AS a short term solution you might want to add a parameter to your Odoo connection string, like:
A 502 Bad Gateway seems to be occurring frequently on Odoo-hosted environments currently.
Limit Data Volume
There are various ways to improve performance of Odoo. The most efficient on Odoo thanks to it’s extensive support for filters, is to use server-side filtering (or as it is named on Power BI: “query folding”).
Just add a where-clause or filter step to your reports to select solely the data needed.
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