This article provides a sample how to report on and analyze financial performance of batches of articles in Exact Online. It concentrates on the Invantive SQL needed to collect the data. Visualization can be done using Power BI, Power Query, Invantive Control or just use the Excel dumps created.
Execute the following steps:
- Start Invantive Query Tool.
- Select the Exact Online country.
- Log on.
- Run the following query to get a list of the batches registered and export them as eol-batches.xlsx in the user’s Documents folder:
select snr.DivisionLabel
, snr.BatchNumber
, snr.BatchNumberID
, snr.ItemCode
, snr.ItemDescription
, snr.Quantity
, snr.Remarks
from stockbatchnumbers snr
by snr.batchnumber
local export results as "${system:userdocumentsdirectory}\eol-batches.xlsx" format xlsx
- Next, we collect both purchase and sales orders per batch and export them as a spreadsheet with Exact Online batch transactions:
-- Outbound batches and their value.
select 'Sales'
, gdr.DeliveryDate
, gdr.SalesOrderNumber
, gdr.SalesOrderLineNumber
, gdr.BnrBatchNumber
, gdr.BnrBatchNumberID
, gdr.itemcode
, sle.AmountDC
label "Amount Total (DC)"
, sle.DeliveryStatus
, sle.DeliveryDate
, sle.InvoiceStatus
, sle.Quantity
, sle.QuantityDelivered
, sle.QuantityInvoiced
, active.code
label 'Counter Party Code'
, sor.invoicetoname
label 'Counter Party Name'
from goodsdeliverylinebatchnumbers gdr
join exactonlinerest..salesorderlines sle
on sle.ordernumber = gdr.salesordernumber
and sle.linenumber = gdr.salesorderlinenumber
join exactonlinerest..salesorders sor
on sor.orderid = sle.orderid
join exactonlinerest..accounts active
on = sor.invoiceto
union all
-- Incoming batches.
select 'Purchase' category
, grr.Created
, grr.PurchaseOrderNumber
, ple.LineNumber
, grr.BnrBatchNumber
, grr.BnrBatchNumberID
, grr.ItemCode
, ple.AmountDC
label "Amount Total (DC)"
, null DeliveryStatus
, null DeliveryDate
, null InvoiceStatus
, ple.Quantity
, ple.ReceivedQuantity
, ple.InvoicedQuantity
, por.suppliercode
label 'Counter Party Code'
, por.suppliername
label 'Counter Party Name'
from goodsreceiptlinebatchnumbers grr
join exactonlinerest..purchaseorderlines ple
on = grr.PurchaseOrderLineID
join exactonlinerest..purchaseorders por
on por.purchaseorderid = ple.purchaseorderid
local export results as "${system:userdocumentsdirectory}\eol-batch-transactions.xlsx" format xlsx
- The sample can be extended by stock corrections and margin adjustments for purchases made directly for a sales order.