Confusing behaviour of star prefix labels

In release 22.0 and BETA 22.1, the following works differently than you might expect:

create or replace table t1@inmemorystorage
select dal.*  prefix with 'dal_' label prefix with 'TEST123'
from   dual@datadictionary dal

create or replace table t2@inmemorystorage
select dal.dal_dummy_string
       label 'TEST456'
from   t1@inmemorystorage dal

select csv
from   ( select *
         from   t2@inmemorystorage rpt
         for    csv

The value of CSV first of all contains an additional space between the two label prefixes, so ‘TEST123 TEST456’ instead of ‘TEST123TEST456’. Additionally, the output should not accumulate the labels, but just use the last defined label ‘TEST456’.

In a future release this will be improved.