Data refresh error: "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."

Lately, we have been encountering the following error message more frequently while refreshing Twinfield data using Invantive:

An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

We are retrieving the transaction table, which is where the error occurs. We have already attempted to adjust the timeout in the header, and we have tried to reduce the table’s size by only loading relevant columns and filtering based on the relevant administrations. However, so far, we have not so been successful.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to prevent this error message?

What Invantive product are you using on what Power BI variant (Desktop or online)?

What is the statement or URL used?

In case of Invantive Bridge Online: what is the request ID of the last failed request?

We are using Power BI Online.


Source = OData.Feed(“*client*/odata4”, null, [Implementation=“2.0”, ODataVersion=4, OmitValues=ODataOmitValues.Nulls, Timeout=#duration(0,4,0,0)]),
#“Twinfield.Twinfield.GeneralLedgerDetailsV3@tfd_table” = Source{[Name = “Twinfield.Twinfield.GeneralLedgerDetailsV3@tfd”, Signature = “table”]}[Data],

Request ID:

8000028b-0002-ee00-b63f-84710c7967bb (HTTP/1.1)

A large number of improvements have been incorporated in the releases of Invantive Cloud between july 2023 and may 2024 to avoid incorrect reporting of this error.

Please try again using the current Invantive Cloud version.