Faster loading from execute native

Is it possible to consider to implement a Bulk Insert method regarding Evaluate Native SQL Statements from Invantive PSQL - #2?

In my case I need to run a native statement to execute a JOIN at container side (Postgres) with filtering on two tables with million lines. By doing this I would like to prevent the Invantive client to download all data of each tables and make the join at Invantive level.

I tested an execution with a LIMIT 10 000 on the results given by the execute native;
but still it takes 40 seconds to execute the whole procedure. Doing such JOIN at container side with Postgres-clients takes less than 0,03 second.

My guess is that the loop inserts results one by one into the memorystorage thus takes time.

I tried a Bulk insert into runs@inmemorystorage but of course as it is for each r, that does not gives the expected result.

The performance with a for loop should be great, but maybe there is some other factor involved, such as network bandwidth (PostgreSQL statement execute on the native database server, while an execute native with a loop retrieves row-by-row).

Can you provide a working SQL / PSQL sample?

Sure, I’ll provide access to the test environnement.

  1. from which IP address you’ll connect from
  2. where can I send you credentials by secured mean

Thanks for the update, but a test environment is not necessary since the contents can not be reproduced on the forums.

Best is to provide the actual SQL-statements used and the number of rows in each of the tables used.

This is the PostgreSQL query:

select ML.Id
,      ML.Debit
,      ML.Balance
,      ML.Account_id
,      ML.Payment_id
,      ML.Journal_id
,      ML.Partner_id
,      ML.Move_id
,      ML.Date
,      ML.Invoice_id
,      ML.Quantity
,      ML.Name
from   account_move_line ML
join   account_move MO 
on     ML.Move_id = MO.Id
where  MO.state LIKE 'posted'
LIMIT 10000

Theses are Odoo tables by the way.

That gives into Invantive’s:

create or replace table runs@inmemorystorage
( Id INT
, Debit Numeric
-- We only make the test on 2 fields.
  for r in 
  ( execute native 'select ML.Id, ML.Debit,, ML.Balance, ML.Account_id, ML.Payment_id, ML.Journal_id, ML.Partner_id, ML.Move_id, ML.Date, ML.Invoice_id, ML.Quantity, ML.Name
from account_move_line ML
LEFT JOIN account_move M ON ML.Move_id = M.Id
where M.state LIKE ''posted''
    bulk insert into runs@inmemorystorage (Id, Debit) values (r.Id, r.Debit);
  end loop;

select * from RUNS@InMemoryStorage


table account_move contains 789368 records
table account_move_line contains 1956568 records

My ultimate purpose is be to built a fast sync script from source (Odoo PostgreSQL) to destination (SQL Server) to insert only newly created content. I need to use server-side filtering commands (ie : if not implemented in Invantive’s PLSQL then use the execute native) to prevent large downloads from the source.

All this because my actual running script with a simple create and replace table runs quite long…

source table name records inserted exec time(s)
vega account_account 9432 3,05
vega account_full_reconcile 131262 8,896
vega account_invoice 186169 87,978
vega account_invoice_line 284614 72,524
vega account_invoice_payment_rel 147596 5,94
vega account_move 789102 154,646
vega account_move_line 1955772 618,412

The use of bulk insert in the loop per row does not really speed things up (although there is an unexplained little gain), since only one row is inserted per bulk insert. Bulk insert is intended for large volumes of rows, which are then split in batches of thousand(s) rows which are loaded through a specialized loader.

Measurements here where even a lot worse:

-- 23057 rows per second.
create or replace table tst@inmemorystorage
select *
from   calendar@datadictionary
where  1=0

-- 25 rows per second.
  for r 
  ( select *
    from   calendar@datadictionary
    insert into tst@inmemorystorage
    (id, day_date, day_in_week, week_number, month_number, day_in_month, month_nr_day1_in_week, month_nr_day7_in_week, iso_week_number, day_in_year_number, year_number, year_nr_day1_in_week, year_nr_day7_in_week, iso_year_number, day_since_19000101_number, century_number, era)
    (, r.day_date, r.day_in_week, r.week_number, r.month_number, r.day_in_month, r.month_nr_day1_in_week, r.month_nr_day7_in_week, r.iso_week_number, r.day_in_year_number, r.year_number, r.year_nr_day1_in_week, r.year_nr_day7_in_week, r.iso_year_number, r.day_since_19000101_number, r.century_number, r.era)
  end loop;

-- 50 rows per second.
  for r 
  ( select *
    from   calendar@datadictionary
    bulk insert into tst@inmemorystorage
  end loop;

A nice extension would be that a syntax like the following would be possible:

bulk insert into TABLE
execute native ''

just like using for r in ( execute native.... An idea for this has been registered.


As a workaround, one of the following can be used:

  • view,
  • temporary table.


Create a view in PostgreSQL that contains the output from the query. Then use:

-- Optionally preceed with a 'drop view' and 'create view' when more
-- flexibility is needed.
create or replace table MYTABLE@InMemoryStorage
select *
from   VIEW@postgresql

Temporary table

An alternative, which is more easily configured, is to insert the results in a PostgreSQL-table. Then retrieve that table like in:

  execute immediate 'create table if not exists TEMPTABLE(...)';
  execute immediate 'insert into TEMPTABLE ... query ...';
  bulk insert MYTABLE@InMemoryStorage
  ( columns
  select ...
  from   TEMPTABLE@postgresql

Please note that on the first execution, the TEMPTABLE is introduced, but it’s existence is not seen by the Invantive SQL metadata register. A reconnect will be necessary to refresh the metadata.

The performance related to the original SQL-statements on the same device is then approximately 10.000 rows per second.

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