Faster loading from execute native

The use of bulk insert in the loop per row does not really speed things up (although there is an unexplained little gain), since only one row is inserted per bulk insert. Bulk insert is intended for large volumes of rows, which are then split in batches of thousand(s) rows which are loaded through a specialized loader.

Measurements here where even a lot worse:

-- 23057 rows per second.
create or replace table tst@inmemorystorage
select *
from   calendar@datadictionary
where  1=0

-- 25 rows per second.
  for r 
  ( select *
    from   calendar@datadictionary
    insert into tst@inmemorystorage
    (id, day_date, day_in_week, week_number, month_number, day_in_month, month_nr_day1_in_week, month_nr_day7_in_week, iso_week_number, day_in_year_number, year_number, year_nr_day1_in_week, year_nr_day7_in_week, iso_year_number, day_since_19000101_number, century_number, era)
    (, r.day_date, r.day_in_week, r.week_number, r.month_number, r.day_in_month, r.month_nr_day1_in_week, r.month_nr_day7_in_week, r.iso_week_number, r.day_in_year_number, r.year_number, r.year_nr_day1_in_week, r.year_nr_day7_in_week, r.iso_year_number, r.day_since_19000101_number, r.century_number, r.era)
  end loop;

-- 50 rows per second.
  for r 
  ( select *
    from   calendar@datadictionary
    bulk insert into tst@inmemorystorage
  end loop;

A nice extension would be that a syntax like the following would be possible:

bulk insert into TABLE
execute native ''

just like using for r in ( execute native.... An idea for this has been registered.


As a workaround, one of the following can be used:

  • view,
  • temporary table.


Create a view in PostgreSQL that contains the output from the query. Then use:

-- Optionally preceed with a 'drop view' and 'create view' when more
-- flexibility is needed.
create or replace table MYTABLE@InMemoryStorage
select *
from   VIEW@postgresql

Temporary table

An alternative, which is more easily configured, is to insert the results in a PostgreSQL-table. Then retrieve that table like in:

  execute native 'create table if not exists TEMPTABLE(...)';
  execute native 'insert into TEMPTABLE ... query ...';
  bulk insert MYTABLE@InMemoryStorage
  ( columns
  select ...
  from   TEMPTABLE@postgresql

Please note that on the first execution, the TEMPTABLE is introduced, but it’s existence is not seen by the Invantive SQL metadata register. A reconnect will be necessary to refresh the metadata.

The performance related to the original SQL-statements on the same device is then approximately 10.000 rows per second.