How to include custom fields on tickets in tables

I am able to retrieve tickets from JIRA-tables, but I seem unable to find values for the custom fields defined on

For instance, we have a field “Billable” as shown below as custom field.

How do I get to see it’s value?

Thanks for your question. We are studying what the best way is to include custom fields more abundantly in the predefined tables.

Could you execute the following query in the UniversalSQL editor on your JIRA-database, and then indicate whether the suggested column names in the third column (suggestedFieldName) would match your needs?

Please export the results to Excel in the UniversalSQL-editor, remove all rows matching your needs and copy&paste the remainder from Excel to your reply.

,      fld.schema_type
,      'c_'
       || replace
          ( case
            when fld.key like 'customfield_%'
                 or fld.key like '%-custom-field'
            then lower(coalesce(names.clauseNamesList, fld.key))
            when fld.key like 'com.atlassian.atlas.jira__%'
            then replace(fld.key, 'com.atlassian.atlas.jira__', 'jira_')
            when fld.key like 'io.tempo.jira__%'
            then replace(fld.key, 'io.tempo.jira__', 'tempo_')
            else fld.key
          , ' ', '_'
          , '-', '_'
,      names.clauseNamesList
--,      fld.schema_items
--,      fld.schema_system
from   fields fld
join   ( select field_id
         ,      listagg(clauseName) clauseNamesList
         ,      count(*) clauseNamesCount
         from   fieldclauses
         where  clauseName not like '%[%'
         by     field_id
       ) names
on     names.field_id =
where  1=1
and    fld.schema_type not in ('array', 'sd-approvals')
and    fld.custom
by     id

The output should resemble the following (output from a test database):

id schema_type suggestedFieldName name clauseNamesList
aggregateprogress progress c_aggregateprogress Σ Voortgang
aggregatetimeestimate number c_aggregatetimeestimate Σ Resterende schatting
aggregatetimeoriginalestimate number c_aggregatetimeoriginalestimate Σ Oorspronkelijke schatting
aggregatetimespent number c_aggregatetimespent Σ Bestede tijd
assignee user c_assignee Uitvoerder assignee
comment comments-page c_comment Opmerking comment
created datetime c_created Aangemaakt created, createdDate
creator user c_creator Ontwikkelaar creator
customfield_10000 datetime c_ Needs work [CHART] Date of First Response
customfield_10001 any c_ Needs work [CHART] Time in Status
customfield_10016 any c_epic_link Epic Link Epic Link
customfield_10017 option c_epic_status Epic Status Epic Status
customfield_10018 string c_epic_name Epic Name Epic Name
customfield_10019 string c_epic_color Epic Color Epic Color
customfield_10020 any c_rank Rank Rank
customfield_10022 number c_story_points Story Points Story Points
customfield_10100 any c_parent_link Parent Link Parent Link
customfield_10200 any c_development development development
customfield_10400 any c_team Team Team
customfield_10600 number c_value_initial Value Initial Value Initial
customfield_10601 number c_value_recurring Value Recurring Value Recurring
customfield_10700 date c_start_date Start date Start date
customfield_10701 sd-customerrequesttype c_request_type Request Type Request Type
customfield_10703 number c_story_point_estimate Story point estimate Story point estimate
customfield_10704 string c_issue_color Issue color Issue color
customfield_10705 sd-feedback c_satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction
customfield_10706 datetime c_satisfaction_date Satisfaction date Satisfaction date
customfield_10708 option c_impact Impact Impact
customfield_10709 option c_change_type Change type Change type
customfield_10710 option c_change_risk Change risk Change risk
customfield_10711 option c_change_reason Change reason Change reason
customfield_10712 datetime c_change_start_date Change start date Change start date
customfield_10713 datetime c_change_completion_date Change completion date Change completion date
customfield_10714 option c_urgency Urgency Urgency
customfield_10717 option c_pending_reason Pending reason Pending reason
customfield_10718 option-with-child c_product_categorization Product categorization Product categorization
customfield_10719 option-with-child c_operational_categorization Operational categorization Operational categorization
customfield_10720 option c_source Source Source
customfield_10721 option c_investigation_reason Investigation reason Investigation reason
customfield_10722 string c_root_cause Root cause Root cause
customfield_10723 string c_workaround Workaround Workaround
customfield_10724 sd-servicelevelagreement c_time_to_resolution Time to resolution Time to resolution
customfield_10725 sd-servicelevelagreement c_time_to_first_response Time to first response Time to first response
customfield_10726 sd-servicelevelagreement c_time_to_close_after_resolution Time to close after resolution Time to close after resolution
customfield_10727 sd-servicelevelagreement c_time_to_approve_normal_change Time to approve normal change Time to approve normal change
customfield_10728 sd-request-lang c_request_language Request language Request language
customfield_10729 date c_next_review_date Next Review Date Next Review Date
customfield_10730 string c_agreement_code Agreement Code Agreement Code
customfield_10731 option2 c_tempo_team Tempo Team Tempo Team
customfield_10732 option2 c_tempo_account Account Account
customfield_10735 string c_waarde_verkoopkans Waarde verkoopkans Waarde verkoopkans
customfield_10736 date c_target_start Target start Target start
customfield_10737 date c_target_end Target end Target end
customfield_10738 sd-servicelevelagreement c_tijd_tot_oplossing Tijd tot oplossing Tijd tot oplossing
customfield_10739 sd-servicelevelagreement c_tijd_tot_eerste_reactie Tijd tot eerste reactie Tijd tot eerste reactie
customfield_10740 string c_contenttype Contenttype Contenttype
customfield_10741 date c_publicatiedatum Publicatiedatum Publicatiedatum
customfield_10745 string c_work_category Work category Work category
customfield_10746 number c_open_forms Open forms Open forms
customfield_10747 number c_submitted_forms Submitted forms Submitted forms
customfield_10748 number c_locked_forms Locked forms Locked forms
customfield_10749 number c_total_forms Total forms Total forms
customfield_10750 string c_compass Compass Compass
customfield_10751 option c_categorie Categorie Categorie
customfield_10752 string c_belangrijk_incident Belangrijk incident Belangrijk incident
customfield_10753 option c_ernst Ernst Ernst
customfield_10754 string c_getroffen_hardware Getroffen hardware Getroffen hardware
customfield_10755 datetime c_geplande_start Geplande start Geplande start
customfield_10756 datetime c_gepland_einde Gepland einde Gepland einde
customfield_10757 string c_implementatieplan Implementatieplan Implementatieplan
customfield_10758 string c_backout-plan Backout-plan Backout-plan
customfield_10759 string c_testplan Testplan Testplan
customfield_10760 string c_jira_project_key Atlas project key Atlas project key
customfield_10761 string c_jira_project_status Atlas project status Atlas project status
customfield_10762 string c_department Department Department
description string c_description Beschrijving description
duedate date c_duedate Vervaldatum due, duedate
environment string c_environment Omgeving environment
issuerestriction issuerestriction c_issuerestriction Voorbehouden voor
issuetype issuetype c_issuetype Issuetype issuetype, type
lastViewed datetime c_lastViewed Laatst Bekeken lastViewed
priority priority c_priority Prioriteit priority
progress progress c_progress Vooruitgang progress
project project c_project Project project
reporter user c_reporter Melder reporter
resolution resolution c_resolution Resolutie resolution
resolutiondate datetime c_resolutiondate Opgelost resolutiondate, resolved
security securitylevel c_security Beveiligingsniveau level
status status c_status Status status
statuscategorychangedate datetime c_statuscategorychangedate Statuscategorie gewijzigd statusCategoryChangedDate
summary string c_summary Samenvatting summary
timeestimate number c_timeestimate Resterende Schatting remainingEstimate, timeestimate
timeoriginalestimate number c_timeoriginalestimate Oorspronkelijke schatting originalEstimate, timeoriginalestimate
timespent number c_timespent Tijd gespendeerd timespent
timetracking timetracking c_timetracking Tijdregistratie
updated datetime c_updated Bijgewerkt updated, updatedDate
votes votes c_votes Stemmen votes
watches watches c_watches Kijkers watchers
workratio number c_workratio Werkratio workratio