Itgenugs021 + itgenqtl065 on Exact Online with Query Tool Beta 537 for subscriptions

issue found on Query Tool Beta 20.1.537 with ExactOnline API on the table ExactOnlineREST.Subscription.subscriptions@eol

Doing a:

select * 
from   ExactOnlineREST.Subscription.subscriptions@eol

gives two errors in result:

A column with the name Description already exists in the column list.
Key already exists
Nom du paramètre : Key.
Message ID: 5c595198-0b84-473b-9da9-7fdf47acb52c
Occurred (UTC): 31/08/2021 16:18:57
System.ArgumentExceptionValidationException à Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectsCollectionBase.ValidateKeyDoesNotExistUsingCachedKeys(String key, IKeyedSubObject ignoreObject) à Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDataSource.UltraDataColumnsCollection.ValidateKeyDoesNotExist(String key, IKeyedSubObject ignoreObject) à Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectsCollectionBase.ValidateKey(String key, IKeyedSubObject ignoreObject) à Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectsCollectionBase.InternalInsert(Int32 index, IKeyedSubObject value) à Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDataSource.UltraDataColumnsCollection.Insert(Int32 index, String columnKey, Type dataType) à Invantive.Producer.Windows.Forms.UltraGridExtensionMethods.AddColumnsToDataGrid(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, UltraDataColumnsCollection dataBandColumns, ResultSet results, Dictionary2& columnNameIdMap, String[] excludedColumnNames, Func2 allowEdit) dans C:\Users\gle3.WS212\Documents\ws-master\Invantive.Producer\src\Invantive.Producer.Windows.Forms\UltraGridExtensionMethods.cs:ligne 3471

followed by:

The column with name ‘Modified’ is unknown.
La clé donnée était absente du dictionnaire.
Message ID: d6aec32d-1389-423c-889a-28fa1ce52783
Occurred (UTC): 31/08/2021 16:20:48
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundExceptionValidationException à System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException() à System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) à Invantive.Producer.Windows.Forms.QueryToolResults.HEQ(Object , CellDataRequestedEventArgs ) dans C:\Users\gle3.WS212\Documents\ws-master\Invantive.Producer\src\Invantive.Producer.Windows.Forms\QueryTool\QueryToolDbmsOutputViewModel.cs:ligne 33

Theses errors are not shown in Beta 20.1.529

Error itgenqtl065

This is probably due to multiple queries running at the same time. With Invantive Query Tool 20.1 it is possible to run a query, cancel it (but often it keeps running) and then run another query.

The first query runs on in the background and starts rendering the output at some moment. The second query runs also and also renders at some moment.

The output of both queries is rendered to the same results window, which causes errors like missing or duplicate columns for the output.

It is a known bug, but it has not yet been addressed.

Recommendation is to wait for the first query to end (optionally using limit 1000 or alike to reduce the duration) and then start the second query.

When the error has occurred, you can just click through all error windows and run the last query again.

Our apologies for the inconvenience!

good afternoon,

we tried again with 20.1.537 and it worked now. So the simultaneous queries case that you have described is our guilt.


Happy to hear! It is actually in my opinion a quite complex bug that we must fix someday.