Loket.nl - Leave balance on specific date

Currently, it is only possible to extract the current leave balance per Employee per year. However, occasionaly the leave balance of an employee would be required on a specific date. For example, to calculate the provision of the leave balance per the 30th of june 2020.

Does somebody already know a work around option? Or could this be an option to add to the Loket.nl database?

Can you not calculate this when you substract the leave hours from the balance up until a certain date?

Thank you for your reaction Jesse.
I’ve tried to calculate the leave balance on a specific date based on the table LoketNlRest.Views.EmployerCalendarAbsences, but this table uses a leave start and end date and the number requested leave hours. With this start and end date it is not possible to calculate the number of hours are requested on one of those days. For example, the startdate is 2020-12-21,the leave end date is 2020-12-31 and the number of hours is 17, it’s unkown how many hours are requested on 2020-12-28.

Do you know another table which shows the leave hours on a specific date?

Check LoketNlRest.Declarations.DeclarationsForEmployer.

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Hi Jesse,

Ik heb verschillende keren geprobeerd om de tabel te raadplegen alleen ik krijg niet de juiste query gemaakt.
Kan je mij vertellen welke query vereist is om de tabel te raadplegen?

Alvast bedankt!