Oracle RDBMS with Invantive settings.xml


Invantive’s software products for Windows use a configuration file (settings.xml) that contains a description of the available services. The file settings.xml is looked for in different locations, such as the installation folder and the pfile folder. When you open an Invantive software product in Windows you can also indicate where the settings.xml file is located.

Within settings.xml you can indicate the links between the database and the Invantive webservice, including any routing and additional connections. Each group of connections has the characteristic that the authentications takes place based on Invantive Producer (local user list and/or LDAP and/or Microsoft Active Directory) or based on database authentication.

Database authentication is usually used when Invantive Producer is not used and you want to connect to the database directly to use SQL. This is usually done with the Invantive Query Tool, Invantive Control and Invantive Composition.

Find more information on the settings.xml file format in Settings.xml XML-format for virtual SQL databases.

Oracle authentication with settings.xml

People often ask how they can specify connections with Oracle databases by means of database authentication. In the following example you can see how the connection ACME\Sample1 specifies the Oracle database with the service name ORAPROD.ACME.LOCAL.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings default="ACME\Sample1" forcedefault="false">
  <group name="ACME">
    <connection name="Sample1" authenticationmode="Database">
      <database connectionstring="Data Source=ORAPROD.ACME.LOCAL;Pooling=false" provider="Oracle.DataAccess.Client">

Invantive Producer authentication in Oracle with settings.xml
You can also delebate authentication to Invantive Producer, if present. In the following example you can see how the connection ACME\Sample1 specifies the Oracle database with the service name ACME.INVANTIVE.LOCAL on which Invantive Producer has been installed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings default="ACME\Sample1" forcedefault="false">
  <group name="ACME">
    <connection name="Sample1">
      <database connectionstring="Data Source=ORAPROD.ACME.LOCAL;User Id=ACME_ITGEN_WEB_RES;Password=ACME_ITGEN;Pooling=false" provider="Oracle.DataAccess.Client">