Replicatie grote Exact Online tabel (>20 miljoen boekingen)

Voor de replicatie van Exact Online-tabellen in SQL Server kunnen scripts gebruikt worden zoals:

Echter, voor serieus grote omgevingen is het gebruik van de *Incremental-tabellen of Invantive Cloud af te raden. Beter schaalbaar is het gebruik van TransactionLinesBulk met filter op datum en Invantive Data Hub.

Het volgende script kopieert een Exact Online-administratie met meer dan 20 miljoen boekingen naar SQL Server. Vanaf een begindatum worden de transacties ingelezen en zodra bij wordt de laatste week telkens bijgewerkt.

Een audit trail is terug te vinden in de eol_sync_logs-tabel op SQL Server.

-- Kopieer Exact Online naar DWH.
-- Voorbereiding:
-- create or replace table eol_transaction_lines@sql
-- as
-- select *
-- from   TransactionLinesBulk@eol
-- where  Date = trunc(sysdateutc)
-- and    false
-- create or replace table eol_sync_settings@sql
-- --
-- -- Functioneel.
-- --
-- ( date_last_completed_tle date     /* De laatste datum voor welke alle transactieregels gekopieerd zijn. */
-- --
-- -- Audit.
-- --
-- , date_last_run_tle       datetime /* De laatste datum/tijd waarop de transactieregels laatste keer bijgewerkt zijn. */
-- )
-- insert into eol_sync_settings@sql
-- ( date_last_completed_tle
-- , date_last_run_tle
-- )
-- values
-- ( to_date('20200101', 'YYYYMMDD') - 1
-- , null
-- )
-- create or replace table eol_sync_logs@sql
-- ( id              guid     not null
-- , occurrence_date datetime not null -- UTC
-- , action_type     char     not null -- 'I', 'D' or 'U' for Insert, Delete or Update.
-- , table_name      varchar2 not null
-- , nk1             varchar2 not null -- First element of business key.
-- , nk2             varchar2     null
-- , nk3             varchar2     null
-- , nk4             varchar2     null
-- , nk5             varchar2     null
-- , label           varchar2     null -- Textual background.
-- , actions         varchar2 not null -- Changed values.
-- --
-- , ip_address      varchar2 not null -- Audit fields.
-- , iuid            varchar2 not null
-- , date_created    datetime not null
-- , created_by      varchar2 not null
-- , created_at      varchar2 not null
-- , session_created varchar2 not null
-- )

use all@eol

set use-http-memory-cache@eol false

set use-http-disk-cache@eol false

-- Full copies.
create or replace table eol_journals@sql
select *
from   exactonlinerest..journals@eol

create or replace table eol_glaccounts@sql
select *
from   GLAccountsIncremental@eol

-- Incrementele kopie van TransactionLinesBulk.
-- Er wordt bewust geen TransactionLinesIncremental gebruikt
-- omdat de image dan tientallen miljoenen rijen zou bevatten.
-- Een glijdend venster van 7 dagen wordt elke dag opnieuw berekend
-- en geladen in het datawarehouse.
-- De code is herstartbaar. Mocht terugzetten nodig zijn naar een eerdere
-- startdatum, vervang dan de datum in cs_settings.
  -- Historisch venster om te laden.
  g_window_days                  pls_integer := 7;
  -- 3 maanden plus historisch venster.
  g_max_days                     pls_integer := 93 + 7;
  l_date_last_completed_tle      date;
  l_date_last_completed_tle_orig date;
  l_loop                         boolean;
  l_loop_cnt                     pls_integer;
  select date_last_completed_tle
  into   l_date_last_completed_tle
  from   eol_sync_settings@sql
  l_date_last_completed_tle_orig := l_date_last_completed_tle;
  -- Shift back one week to reload recent days over and over again.
  l_date_last_completed_tle := l_date_last_completed_tle - g_window_days;
  l_loop_cnt := 0;
  l_loop := l_loop_cnt <= g_max_days and l_date_last_completed_tle < trunc(sysdateutc);
  while l_loop
    dbms_output.put_line('Laadactie #' || to_char(l_loop_cnt) || ': ' || to_char(l_date_last_completed_tle + 1, 'DD-MM-YYYY') || '.');
    delete eol_transaction_lines@sql
    where  Date = l_date_last_completed_tle + 1
    insert into eol_sync_logs@sql
    ( id
    , occurrence_date
    , action_type
    , table_name
    , nk1
    , nk2
    , nk3
    , nk4
    , nk5
    , label
    , actions
    , ip_address
    , iuid
    , date_created
    , created_by
    , created_at
    , session_created
    ( newid()
    , sysdateutc
    , 'D'
    , 'eol_transaction_lines'
    , to_char(l_date_last_completed_tle, 'YYYYMMDD')
    , null
    , null
    , null
    , null
    , 'Delete old version'
    , to_char(sqlrowcount) || ' rijen verwijderd.'
    , sys_context('USERENV', 'CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS_EXTERNAL', 'eol')
    , sys_context('USERENV', 'IUID', 'eol')
    , sysdateutc
    , sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER', 'eol')
    , sys_context('USERENV', 'APPLICATION_FULL', 'eol')
    , sys_context('USERENV', 'SESSIONID', 'eol')
    bulk insert into eol_transaction_lines@sql
    ( Account
    , AccountCode
    , AccountName
    , AmountDC
    , AmountFC
    , AmountVATBaseFC
    , AmountVATFC
    , Asset
    , AssetCode
    , AssetDescription
    , CostCenter
    , CostCenterDescription
    , CostUnit
    , CostUnitDescription
    , Created
    , Creator
    , CreatorFullName
    , Currency
    , CustomField
    , Date
    , Description
    , Division
    , Document
    , DocumentNumber
    , DocumentSubject
    , DueDate
    , EntryID
    , EntryNumber
    , ExchangeRate
    , ExternalLinkDescription
    , ExternalLinkReference
    , ExtraDutyAmountFC
    , ExtraDutyPercentage
    , FinancialPeriod
    , FinancialYear
    , GLAccount
    , GLAccountCode
    , GLAccountDescription
    , ID
    , InvoiceNumber
    , Item
    , ItemCode
    , ItemDescription
    , JournalCode
    , JournalDescription
    , LineNumber
    , LineType
    , Modified
    , Modifier
    , ModifierFullName
    , Notes
    , OffsetID
    , OrderNumber
    , PaymentDiscountAmount
    , PaymentReference
    , Project
    , ProjectCode
    , ProjectDescription
    , Quantity
    , SerialNumber
    , ShopOrder
    , Status
    , Subscription
    , SubscriptionDescription
    , TrackingNumber
    , TrackingNumberDescription
    , Type
    , VATCode
    , VATCodeDescription
    , VATPercentage
    , VATType
    , YourRef
    , CreatedUtc
    , ModifiedUtc
    , DivisionShortName
    , DivisionCompanyCoCNumber
    , DivisionCompanyIBANNumber
    , DivisionCompanyRSINNumber
    , DivisionCompanyVATNumber
    , DivisionCompanyWageTaxNumber
    , DivisionName
    , DivisionLabel
    , DivisionCompanyName
    , DivisionOwnerCompanyName
    , DivisionOwnerCompanyNumber
    , DisplayDocumentsUrl
    , GLAccountType
    , GLAccountBalanceSide
    , GLAccountBalanceType
    , GLAccountRevalueCurrency
    , GLAccountSearchCode
    , GLAccountTypeDescription
    , GLAccountUseCostCenter
    , GLAccountUseCostUnit
    , GLAccountVatCode
    select tle.Account
    ,      tle.AccountCode
    ,      tle.AccountName
    ,      tle.AmountDC
    ,      tle.AmountFC
    ,      tle.AmountVATBaseFC
    ,      tle.AmountVATFC
    ,      tle.Asset
    ,      tle.AssetCode
    ,      tle.AssetDescription
    ,      tle.CostCenter
    ,      tle.CostCenterDescription
    ,      tle.CostUnit
    ,      tle.CostUnitDescription
    ,      tle.Created
    ,      tle.Creator
    ,      tle.CreatorFullName
    ,      tle.Currency
    ,      tle.CustomField
    ,      tle.Date
    ,      tle.Description
    ,      tle.Division
    ,      tle.Document
    ,      tle.DocumentNumber
    ,      tle.DocumentSubject
    ,      tle.DueDate
    ,      tle.EntryID
    ,      tle.EntryNumber
    ,      tle.ExchangeRate
    ,      tle.ExternalLinkDescription
    ,      tle.ExternalLinkReference
    ,      tle.ExtraDutyAmountFC
    ,      tle.ExtraDutyPercentage
    ,      tle.FinancialPeriod
    ,      tle.FinancialYear
    ,      tle.GLAccount
    ,      tle.GLAccountCode
    ,      tle.GLAccountDescription
    ,      tle.ID
    ,      tle.InvoiceNumber
    ,      tle.Item
    ,      tle.ItemCode
    ,      tle.ItemDescription
    ,      tle.JournalCode
    ,      tle.JournalDescription
    ,      tle.LineNumber
    ,      tle.LineType
    ,      tle.Modified
    ,      tle.Modifier
    ,      tle.ModifierFullName
    ,      tle.Notes
    ,      tle.OffsetID
    ,      tle.OrderNumber
    ,      tle.PaymentDiscountAmount
    ,      tle.PaymentReference
    ,      tle.Project
    ,      tle.ProjectCode
    ,      tle.ProjectDescription
    ,      tle.Quantity
    ,      tle.SerialNumber
    ,      tle.ShopOrder
    ,      tle.Status
    ,      tle.Subscription
    ,      tle.SubscriptionDescription
    ,      tle.TrackingNumber
    ,      tle.TrackingNumberDescription
    ,      tle.Type
    ,      tle.VATCode
    ,      tle.VATCodeDescription
    ,      tle.VATPercentage
    ,      tle.VATType
    ,      tle.YourRef
    ,      tle.CreatedUtc
    ,      tle.ModifiedUtc
    ,      tle.DivisionShortName
    ,      tle.DivisionCompanyCoCNumber
    ,      tle.DivisionCompanyIBANNumber
    ,      tle.DivisionCompanyRSINNumber
    ,      tle.DivisionCompanyVATNumber
    ,      tle.DivisionCompanyWageTaxNumber
    ,      tle.DivisionName
    ,      tle.DivisionLabel
    ,      tle.DivisionCompanyName
    ,      tle.DivisionOwnerCompanyName
    ,      tle.DivisionOwnerCompanyNumber
    ,      tle.DisplayDocumentsUrl
    ,      tle.GLAccountType
    ,      tle.GLAccountBalanceSide
    ,      tle.GLAccountBalanceType
    ,      tle.GLAccountRevalueCurrency
    ,      tle.GLAccountSearchCode
    ,      tle.GLAccountTypeDescription
    ,      tle.GLAccountUseCostCenter
    ,      tle.GLAccountUseCostUnit
    ,      tle.GLAccountVatCode
    from   TransactionLinesBulk@eol tle
    where  tle.Date = l_date_last_completed_tle + 1
    -- Ontcommentarieren voor test modus om snel een aantal dagen door te testen.
    -- limit 1000
    dbms_output.put_line('Laadactie #' || to_char(l_loop_cnt) || ': ' || to_char(sqlrowcount) || ' rijen verwijderd en weer geladen.');
    insert into eol_sync_logs@sql
    ( id
    , occurrence_date
    , action_type
    , table_name
    , nk1
    , nk2
    , nk3
    , nk4
    , nk5
    , label
    , actions
    , ip_address
    , iuid
    , date_created
    , created_by
    , created_at
    , session_created
    ( newid()
    , sysdateutc
    , 'I'
    , 'eol_transaction_lines'
    , to_char(l_date_last_completed_tle, 'YYYYMMDD')
    , null
    , null
    , null
    , null
    , 'Insert new version'
    , to_char(sqlrowcount) || ' rijen toegevoegd.'
    , sys_context('USERENV', 'CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS_EXTERNAL', 'eol')
    , sys_context('USERENV', 'IUID', 'eol')
    , sysdateutc
    , sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER', 'eol')
    , sys_context('USERENV', 'APPLICATION_FULL', 'eol')
    , sys_context('USERENV', 'SESSIONID', 'eol')
    l_date_last_completed_tle := l_date_last_completed_tle + 1;
    l_loop_cnt := l_loop_cnt + 1;
    -- Doorgaan met laden? Nooit vandaag of later, en nooit meer dan 100 dagen.
    l_loop := l_loop_cnt <= g_max_days and l_date_last_completed_tle < trunc(sysdateutc);
  end loop;
    when others
      -- Verplaatsen naar laatste afgeronde laadactie.
      update eol_sync_settings@sql
      set    date_last_completed_tle = l_date_last_completed_tle
      ,      date_last_run_tle       = sysdateutc
      insert into eol_sync_logs@sql
      ( id
      , occurrence_date
      , action_type
      , table_name
      , nk1
      , nk2
      , nk3
      , nk4
      , nk5
      , label
      , actions
      , ip_address
      , iuid
      , date_created
      , created_by
      , created_at
      , session_created
      ( newid()
      , sysdateutc
      , 'U'
      , 'eol_sync_settings'
      , to_char(l_date_last_completed_tle, 'YYYYMMDD')
      , null
      , null
      , null
      , null
      , 'Verschuif laatste correcte laadactie na foutmelding'
      , sqlerrm
      , sys_context('USERENV', 'CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS_EXTERNAL', 'eol')
      , sys_context('USERENV', 'IUID', 'eol')
      , sysdateutc
      , sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER', 'eol')
      , sys_context('USERENV', 'APPLICATION_FULL', 'eol')
      , sys_context('USERENV', 'SESSIONID', 'eol')
  -- Verplaatsen naar laatste afgeronde laadactie.
  update eol_sync_settings@sql
  set    date_last_completed_tle = l_date_last_completed_tle
  ,      date_last_run_tle       = sysdateutc
  insert into eol_sync_logs@sql
  ( id
  , occurrence_date
  , action_type
  , table_name
  , nk1
  , nk2
  , nk3
  , nk4
  , nk5
  , label
  , actions
  , ip_address
  , iuid
  , date_created
  , created_by
  , created_at
  , session_created
  ( newid()
  , sysdateutc
  , 'U'
  , 'eol_sync_settings'
  , to_char(l_date_last_completed_tle, 'YYYYMMDD')
  , null
  , null
  , null
  , null
  , 'Verschuif laatste correcte laadactie'
  , 'Geslaagd.'
  , sys_context('USERENV', 'CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS_EXTERNAL', 'eol')
  , sys_context('USERENV', 'IUID', 'eol')
  , sysdateutc
  , sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER', 'eol')
  , sys_context('USERENV', 'APPLICATION_FULL', 'eol')
  , sys_context('USERENV', 'SESSIONID', 'eol')