Select Limited Number of Yuki Companies

Yuki offers multiple domains, each of which can have multiple companies (“administraties“).

The default of Invantive Cloud is to select all companies for queries. This is visible in the database definition in Invantive Cloud as signaled by “use all“ in the startup SQL field:

Sometimes, querying all companies is undesirable because it triggers errors due to limited licensing or downloads way too much data, leading to increased runtime of queries.

In these cases it is recommended to select only limited number of companies in the startup SQL. In the example below, only the Yuki companies are selected that are owned by a specific subscription holder:

select code
,      provider_data_container_alias
from   systempartitions@datadictionary 
where  subscription_holder_name = 'NAME'
and    provider_data_container_alias='yki'

Changing the startup SQL is only possible through a support ticket. Please send your desired startup SQL to Invantive support. Depending on the complexity and risks, a short consult might be necessary.