Tables replication automation with stored procedure giving statistics & error handling by email

I wrote this small script to ease replications tasks. It provides error handling and script housekeeping statistics and reporting by email. I thought I my be useful for others.

In my case this script runs everyday and replicates 3.2 million of records (with many rows) in about 15 minutes, from 45 tables from a PostgreSQL and Exact Online to SqlServer.

-- First we create a simple temp table containing the table names that we want to retrieve.
create or replace table table_list@inmemorystorage
( source           varchar2
, table_name       varchar2
, records_inserted integer
, exectime         decimal

-- Add as much inserts as you need, fields [records_inserted] and [exectime] will be filled when the stored procedure runs to give feedback on statistics.
insert into table_list@inmemorystorage
(source, table_name)
insert into table_list@inmemorystorage
(source, table_name)

--The stored procedure starts here.
  l_error_txt                       varchar2 := '';
  l_error_cnt                       varchar2 := 0; 
  l_script_start                    datetime := sysdateutc;
  l_script_elapsedtime              decimal;
  l_script_end                      datetime;
  l_instructionstart                datetime;
  l_instructionduration             decimal;
  l_stmt                            varchar2;
  l_sqlrowcount                     integer;
  l_email_table                     varchar2;
  set smtp-host-address@mail ''; -- fill here your smtp
  set smtp-minimum-deliver-duration-ms@mail 5000;
  set smtp-user-name@mail ''; -- fill here your the email used to send from
  set smtp-password@mail 'password'; -- fill here your password
  set [mail-from-name]@mail 'email name'; -- fill here the mail-from-name
  set [mail-from-email]@mail ''; -- fill here the mail-from-email
  set [mail-body-html]@mail false;
  set smtp-enable-ssl@mail true;
  set mail-priority@mail -1;
  set smtp-minimum-deliver-duration-ms@mail 1000;
  set mail-body-html@mail true;
  set mail-priority@mail 0;
  for r in 
  ( select * 
    from   table_list@inmemorystorage 
    where  source = 'source_container_name_1'
  -- Fill here the source_container_name_1 that is the [source] field in the temp table.
          l_instructionstart := sysdateutc;
          l_stmt := 'Create or replace table ' || r.table_name || '@destination_container as SELECT * FROM ' || r.table_name || '@source_container';
          -- Fill here the @destination_container and @source_container aliases given in your invantive connection string.
          execute immediate l_stmt into l_sqlrowcount;
          l_sqlrowcount := l_sqlrowcount - 1;
          l_instructionduration  := round((sysdateutc - l_instructionstart)*60*60*24,3); --into seconds
          l_stmt := 'update table_list@inmemorystorage SET records_inserted = ' || l_sqlrowcount || ', exectime = ' || cast(l_instructionduration as text) || ' where table_name = ''' || r.table_name || '''';
          execute immediate l_stmt;
          when others
            l_error_txt := l_error_txt 
               || chr(13) || chr(10) 
               || sqlerrm
            l_error_cnt := l_error_cnt + 1;
      end loop;
    -- Here the script finished to work on the tables listed in the temp table thanks to the loop stmt
    -- below we add another step to connect to Exact On Line and add a replication of one table into @destination_container
    -- if you need more table then you may use the loop scenario above
    use your_devision_1@eol, your_devision_2@eol; -- fill in your eol divisions here, with the invantive alias [@eol]
    l_instructionstart := sysdateutc;
    create or replace table eol_xml_AccountReceivables@destination_container 
    select * 
    from  aroutstandingitemsex@eol
    -- change destination container, table name and eol allias as needed
    l_sqlrowcount := sqlrowcount;
    l_instructionduration  := round((sysdateutc - l_instructionstart)*60*60*24,3); --into seconds
    insert into table_list@inmemorystorage (source, table_name, records_inserted, exectime) values ('eol', 'aroutstandingitemsex', l_sqlrowcount, l_instructionduration);
    l_script_end := sysdateutc;
          when others
             l_error_txt := l_error_txt 
               || chr(13) || chr(10) 
               || sqlerrm
            l_error_cnt := l_error_cnt + 1;
  -- Creating the email table with the results statistics.
  l_email_table := '<table border = 1>
                    <th>table name</th>
                    <th>records inserted</th>
                    <th>exec time(s)</th>
  for r in (select * from table_list@inmemorystorage)
    l_email_table := l_email_table
            ||'</td><td style="text-align:right">'||r.records_inserted
            ||'</td><td style="text-align:right">'||r.exectime
  end loop;
  -- dbms_output.put_line(l_email_table); -- if you need to see this in dbms window
  -- Sending email.
  insert into smtp@mail
    ( toEmail
    , ccEmail
    , bccEmail
    , subject
    , body
    , attachmentContents
    , attachmentName
    , attachmentMimeType
    select '' -- add here your recipients separed by a [,]
    ,      cast(null as varchar2)
    ,      cast(null as varchar2)
    ,      'Invantive replication script'
    ,      'Invantive replication script as run<br>'
            || 'script start time: ' || dateadd('hour','2',l_script_start) || '<br>'
            || 'full script elapsed time : ' || round((l_script_end - l_script_start)*60*24,3) || ' minutes' || '<br>'
            || 'Errors count: ' || l_error_cnt || '<br>'
            || 'Errors msg: ' || l_error_txt  || '<br>'
            || '<br>detailed data of replicated tables :<br>'
            || l_email_table
    ,      null -- rfe.file_contents
    ,      null -- basename('{USER_MULTI_PARTIES_FILE_NAME}')
    ,      null -- cast(null as varchar2)
  -- Do some cleanup.
  drop table table_list@inmemorystorage;

Thank you for sharing! It is an advanced script that accomplishes a staggering amount of work.