- missing data in KitAssemblyRecords?

I am trying to load a specific table from; VismaNet.KitAssembly.KitAssemblyRecords@vnt.

This table should contain data as of until today.

It only loads transactions up until january of 2021. Is there a reason for this? Is the data load from Visma to Invantive limited?

There is no specific limitation on the number of rows or data (by design). The Financials driver reflects the metadata of closely.

It might be that another table (API) is better suited or that discontinued the functionality.

As a first step, it is recommended to find a record that is expected to be found in there with screenshot and provide that to Financials Support with the question whether the related API should return it. And if not, what alternative API should return it.

The API behind KitAssemblyRecords is:

The list of actual API access can also be found in the screen “Session I/Os” or the data dictionary view SessionIOs@DataDictionary.

In case Support indicates that this is the right API and that the screenshot data should be in it, we can assist you on basis of a short consult. In case the omission is due to a bug in the Invantive UniversalSQL-driver for Financials the short consult will not be charged.