This article provides an approach to create a sitemap for files stored in an Amazon Web Services S3 bucket using Invantive SQL.
Perform the following steps to create a sitemap:
- Install and configure the AWS CLI.
- Retrieve all objects in a bucket using the command prompt:
aws s3api list-objects --output json --no-cli-pager --bucket >c:\temp\name.json
Or execute directly from Invantive Query Tool or Data Hub using Invantive Script:
local host "aws" "s3api list-objects --output json --no-cli-pager --bucket" ""
- The output is stored in the local variable
. - Log on to Invantive SQL using any provider (use Dummy when you can’t choose).
- Run the following query:
select xmlformat
( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
|| '<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">'
|| xml
|| '</urlset>'
from ( select listagg
( '<url><loc>'
|| xmlencode(
|| '</loc><lastmod>'
|| xmlencode(dta.lastmodified)
|| '</lastmod></url>'
, null
from jsontable
( 'Contents.[*]'
passing '${local:hoststdout}'
columns lastmodified datetime path 'LastModified'
, name varchar2 path 'Key'
) dta
where name like '%%' /* Insert filter here to only include specific folders. */
- Either copy the contents to a sitemap.xml file or use the Invantive Script statement ‘local export documents’ to generate the file such as:
local export results as "${SITE_ROOT_FOLDER}\sitemap.xml" format txt