Error itgenoda483 on purchase order lines query

SQL does not work on the table below: can you please check?


Statement #1 'select * fro...haseOrderLines starting on line 1 caused an error.

The Exact Online API returned no values for any of the 66 fields.

Contact Exact Online Support regarding the payload '("error": {"code":"","message":{"lang":"","value":"A problem has occurred. The cause of this issue will be investigated as soon as possible."}}}'.


As the error message reports, this is an issue at the side of Exact Online. I am sorry, but there is nothing we can do to fix this. Please contact Exact Online Support and supply the native call logging of the problematic requests. You can retrieve the native call logs through the steps described here: Collect Native Platform Call Data.

2 berichten zijn gesplitst naar een nieuw topic: Itgenoda494 error on running query

We have checked with Support of Exact Online. They need complete HTTP request. I tried to follow the link, you provided.

I can not enable the event logging and when I run the SQL, I got the following message.


Statement #1 ‘–…’ starting on line 1 caused an error.
Data is requested from a data container with alias ‘eol’.
The current database has no aliases on the database-specific data containers.
Please consider requesting data without specifying the alias by removing the at-sign and the alias ‘eol’.
Or connecto to another database which contains data containers with aliases.

It seems your data container doesn’t have an alias. For background, please read the first pages of Invantive SQL Grammar v22.1

Remove all the “@eol” from the native call export script you were running. That should make the script compatible with your database setup to retrieve the native call log.

If you have the native call log, you can supply that to Exact Online Support.

I have contacted Exact Online Support, the issue is only happening to one of our Exact Online entities.

Solution Help Info
Thank you for your message back.
I have tried the API call and I can see that initially the request is OK, however the results cut off with: “A problem has occurred. The cause of this issue will be investigated as soon as possible.”
I suspect that this issue occurs as you request too much information. As you do a select with *, you basically request all the properties for PurchaseOrderLines. I have tried the API call by only selecting a few properties and this API call goes through without problems. Example:$select=AmountDC,PurchaseOrderID. below is their answer. Any solution from your side? The strange thing is if I used join table, it does trieve the data from purchase order and purchase order lines table.
I recommend only doing a select the properties that you need the data from. We always advise to not use the wildcard “*” as this can result in problems as the one you have right now. If you can retrieve the data, then that fine (we still advise against it). However, if you get an issue with this, we cannot provide assistance with solving the problem. Please only select the properties you need.

The response provided by Exact Online Support isn’t very helpful. The API-specifications of Exact Online allow use of all fields in any combination, and each of them should return a valid response…

An incident is registered on our status page and we will contact Exact Online Support in order to get this fixed for you.

Please subscribe to the incident on the status page for updates.

It seems that some of the lines of old purchase orders are corrupt. When only a subset is selected, no error occurs. It is recommended to reach out to Exact Online Support and ask them to fix the database and/or code. The previous answer by Exact Online Support should be considered meaningless.

Update on status page:

The #ExactOnline API still returns for several users an internal failure when retrieving PurchaseOrders. Problem seems related to specific records. Exact is analyzing the issue. As an alternative please try PurchaseOrderLinesIncremental or apply strict filters on PurchaseOrders in the hope the error does not occur.

The API-request and answer are shown below and extracted as instructed on

Aspect Value
ID 5
Registered 07-09-2022 08:59:43 (UTC)
Start 07-09-2022 08:59:43 (UTC)
UID 895fa2f2-9654-4e3c-8123-6a0949847072
Call UID dd1aa0ad-2e48-4bcc-a006-b86ae50aebfe
Direction 0
Table Name ExactOnlineREST.PurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderLines
Message GET
Response Status OK
Partition Code 3175623
GUI Module Name Invantive Query Tool
GUI Module Version 22.0.223
GUI OS User desktop-7b6v0sf\apple
GUI User desktop-7b6v0sf\apple
Machine Name DESKTOP-7B6V0SF
User on Domain desktop-7b6v0sf\apple
Managed Thread ID 21
Process ID 7684
Message Code itgenoda435
Success True
Request HTTP Headers Content-Type=application/json; charset=utf-8,Accept=application/json,User-Agent=Wget/1.21,Authorization=Bearer stampNL001.something,,Accept-Encoding=gzip, deflate
Response HTTP Headers Pragma=no-cache,DataServiceVersion=2.0;,X-Xss-Protection=1; mode=block,X-Content-Type-Options=nosniff,Referrer-Policy=strict-origin-when-cross-origin,X-RateLimit-Limit=5000,X-RateLimit-Remaining=4999,X-RateLimit-Reset=1662595200000,X-RateLimit-Minutely-Limit=60,X-RateLimit-Minutely-Remaining=59,X-RateLimit-Minutely-Reset=1662541200000,Connection=keep-alive,Content-Length=10344,Cache-Control=no-cache, no-store,Content-Type=application/json;charset=utf-8,Date=Wed, 07 Sep 2022 08:59:42 GMT,Expires=-1,Set-Cookie=ASP.NET_SessionId=n510gjl1gezrtu32tgj2srzh; SameSite=lax; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax,ExactServer{6c54fee3-1866-4788-a41a-74ad66b20f8d}=Division=3175623; SameSite=lax; path=/; secure; HttpOnly,ExactOnlineClient=something=; SameSite=lax; expires=Mon, 31-Dec-2198 23:00:00 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly,Strict-Transport-Security=max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains ; preload
Request Body as String
Request Contents Automatic decompression: GZip, Deflate
Maximum automatic redirections: 5
Maximum response headers length: 64
Protocol version: 1.1
Timeout: 300,000 ms
Continue Timeout: 350 ms
Read/write Timeout: 300,000 ms
Send chunked: False
Request header Accept: application/json
Request header Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Request header Authorization: Bearer stampNL001.something
Request header Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Request header Host:
Request header User-Agent: Wget/1.21
Response Body as String {
“d” : {
“results”: [
“__metadata”: {
“uri”: “’ab7b246c-fddc-4320-8aba-00977a82459d’)”, “type”: “Exact.Web.Api.Models.PurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderLine”
}, “AmountDC”: …
}, {
“__metadata”: {
“uri”: “’a825d260-a4b8-437c-960b-015ea90c1c92’)”, “type”: “Exact.Web.Api.Models.PurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderLine”
}, “AmountDC”: …
}, {
“__metadata”: {
“uri”: “’aaced1e5-81ea-4311-a674-028a74bb9c64’)”, “type”: “Exact.Web.Api.Models.PurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderLine”
}, “AmountDC”: …
}, {
“__metadata”: {
“uri”: “’403fc60b-6d86-4319-a22b-045657650579’)”, “type”: “Exact.Web.Api.Models.PurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderLine”
}, “AmountDC”: …
}, {
“__metadata”: {
“uri”: “’a29acd0d-57ad-4986-adf0-047b6186e967’)”, “type”: “Exact.Web.Api.Models.PurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderLine”
}, “AmountDC”: …
}, {
“__metadata”: {
“uri”: “’df496af5-9f0c-4833-82d9-05515e767ca6’)”, “type”: “Exact.Web.Api.Models.PurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderLine”
}, “AmountDC”: …
}, {
“error”: {
“code”: “”, “message”: {
“lang”: “”, “value”: “A problem has occurred. The cause of this issue will be investigated as soon as possible.”
Response Contents Content length: 10344
Is from cache: False
Protocol version: 1.1
Response URI:$select=*
Header Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Header Connection: keep-alive
Header Content-Length: 10344
Header Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Header DataServiceVersion: 2.0;
Header Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2022 08:59:42 GMT
Header Expires: -1
Header Pragma: no-cache
Header Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
Header Set-Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=n510gjl1gezrtu32tgj2srzh; SameSite=lax; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax,ExactServer{6c54fee3-1866-4788-a41a-74ad66b20f8d}=Division=3175623; SameSite=lax; path=/; secure; HttpOnly,ExactOnlineClient=YH8l+czHpqE717eGdY76ELuZuQHvmiQskvMNh02FOwJUxKFwzv6CDEOdtQQak7wq5k89FTXd1Iw92TKEZfSqPjZVKn92zgCAvnN05s3cVrtPH6pq+pP2TMZKd7U2aLYCazwZ/THHwIXOMSN3AGhiTzkHjtyLrbdACGtJ7j2OZro=; SameSite=lax; expires=Mon, 31-Dec-2198 23:00:00 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
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Header X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4999
Header X-RateLimit-Reset: 1662595200000
Header X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block

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