Exchanging translations between Localazy and Invantive Producer / Oracle

The Localazy SQL-driver enables both read and write operations on Localazy using a virtual Invantive UniversalSQL-database. The driver is optimized for high volumes of translation keys.

The following code downloads all translations from a Localazy project configured on the data container alias lzy and where missing adds them to the Invantive Producer translation repository stored in the Oracle-table itgen_translations_v:

create or replace table translations@inmemorystorage
select 'repos/itgen/trunk' apn_code
,      keys tln_resource_code
,      value tln_text
,      language_code lge_code
from   Localazy.Views.ProjectFileKeys@lzy t

  g_source_language varchar2 := 'en';
  for r 
  ( select apn_code
    ,      lge_code
    ,      tln_resource_code
    ,      tln_text
    from   translations@inmemorystorage
    where  language_code != g_source_language
    select apn_code
    ,      lge_code
    ,      tln_resource_code
    ,      tln_text
    from   itgen_translations_v@ora
    where  apn_code = 'repos/itgen/trunk'
    and    lge_code != g_source_language
    by     tln_resource_code
      insert into itgen_translations_v@ora
      ( apn_code
      , lge_code
      , tln_resource_code
      , tln_text
      ( r.apn_code
      , r.lge_code
      , r.tln_resource_code
      , r.tln_resource_text
      dbms_output.put_line('Loaded ' || r.tln_resource_code);
      when others 
        dbms_output.put_line('Failed on ' || r.tln_resource_code|| ': ' || sqlerrm);
  end loop;

A more efficient way in terms of operations and inclusion of resourec key translation updates too, is to replace the code block starting at declare by the following statement as described in Synchronize your Data with one Statement across multiple Applications using the most simple synchronize statement:

synchronize translations@inmemorystorage
to          itgen_translations_v
with        insert or update
by          apn_code
,           lge_code
,           tln_resource_code

The synchronize statement only issues updates and deletes when it finds the either the translation row is missing in the target table or when the translation has been altered.

Vice versa, to upload data into Localazy, a synchronize statement can be used which exchanges source and table, using ProjectFileKeys to download the current contents of the project in Localazy in a fast way for the source language, compares them in an efficient way with an in-memory table of `itgen_translations_v with renamed column names and solely the source language keys and translations, and then issues only the necessary changes to make Localazy more current.