Exclamation itgenclr027: refused access. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

Good morning
I have an issue with Data-Hub 20.1.449
After installation, the command line interface was working fine. Yesterday, I added my (new) licence key. I exited.

I then added 20.1.449 to be called by my scheduled tasks batch scripts. This morning I found that my automated .bat file has not run.

In the log files I have:

Exclamation itgenclr027: AccŠs refus‚. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)).
An unknown error occurred.
… WUApiLib.IAutomaticUpdates2.get_ServiceEnabled()
… Invantive.Data.Windows.SystemUtility.CheckWindowsUpdatesRecentlySearched(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, IBasicProviderManager manager, Int32 maximumDaysLastUpdate, Int32 maximumDaysLastSearch)
… Invantive.Data.Windows.SystemUtility.GetEarlyCompatibilityChecksResults(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, IBasicProviderManager manager)
itgenube201: Application fails essential compatibility checks.

When I launch manually Data Hub I get the following error:

Erreur itgenttn108: An unknown error occurred.
An unknown error occurred.
Requête itgencun002: Show details? Question? [y/N]

After pressing yes, other text is shown but so fast I cannot copy nor see it. Then Data Hub exits.

Invantive Data Hub 20.1.444 is running fine.

Thanks for your help.

This is a strange error.
I closed my windows session, re-opened, now this error disappeared…it seems it is linked to the session authorisations with the tasks scheduler.

Yes, it is. Nonetheless the error is avoidable from application logic point of view. We will try to reduce the impact when session is not completely authenticated in a future release.

good morning,
I have a hard issue here.

inside a master.bat file called by the task scheduler, I call 3 sub .bat files to execute sql statements.

on stmt1.bat and *stmt2.bat I call

set INVANTIVE_PRG=C:\Program Files (x86)\Invantive Software BV\Invantive Data Hub 20.0\Invantive.Producer.QueryEngine.exe

the error appear, but the script continues and runs until the end.

Exclamation itgenclr027: AccŠs refus‚. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)).
… WUApiLib.IAutomaticUpdates2.get_ServiceEnabled()
… Invantive.Data.Windows.SystemUtility.CheckWindowsUpdatesRecentlySearched(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, IBasicProviderManager manager, Int32 maximumDaysLastUpdate, Int32 maximumDaysLastSearch)
… Invantive.Data.Windows.SystemUtility.GetEarlyCompatibilityChecksResults(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, IBasicProviderManager manager)
08:35:49.881 itgendhb023: SQL Script File: C:\jobs\sql\bank-statement.sql

on the third stmt3.bat script I call
set INVANTIVE_PRG=C:\Program Files (x86)\Invantive Software BV\Invantive Data Hub 20.1.449\Invantive.Producer.QueryEngine.exe

here the script ends right after the error:

Exclamation itgenclr027: AccŠs refus‚. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)).
An unknown error occurred.
… WUApiLib.IAutomaticUpdates2.get_ServiceEnabled()
… Invantive.Data.Windows.SystemUtility.CheckWindowsUpdatesRecentlySearched(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, IBasicProviderManager manager, Int32 maximumDaysLastUpdate, Int32 maximumDaysLastSearch)
… Invantive.Data.Windows.SystemUtility.GetEarlyCompatibilityChecksResults(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, IBasicProviderManager manager)
itgenube201: Application fails essential compatibility checks.

C:\Windows\system32>IF 4 NEQ 0 (
echo Failed Data Hub job with exit code 4.
exit /b 4

This is only when the task scheduler calls the master.bat file (same issue If I run the task manually).
If I run master.bat manually, no errors at all.
the scheduled task is launched with the rights context of my own user.

I found out that itgenclr027 errors appears in fact in my logs since immemorial times. The only new fact is that 20.1.449 exists where PROD 20.0.154 does not.

Is there any turnaround or wrong-setup I made ?

thanks for your help

sorry typo here:
I found out that itgenclr027 errors appears in fact in my logs since immemorial times. The only new fact is that 20.1.449 exit (quit) whereas PROD 20.0.154 does not (execution continues to run).

On a check across the whole installed base it seems that few devices have the issue described. It occurs on Windows Server 2012 R2 through Windows Server 2019. The problem can not be reproduced.

It is correct that the 20.1 BETA fails hard when it establishes that no Windows updates have been applied and/or searched for. Previous releases just displayed a warning.

The next 20.1 BETA will have an algorithm in place to reduce the impact of a task scheduler process not being able to establish the status of the Windows Updates Service. Please upgrade to 20.1.461 in the course of next week.

As an alternative, instructions can be acquired on disabling the check as written below.

Automatic updates check

The increasing impact of ransomware is a worry at Invantive. Especially with environments not under our control processing critical data of thousands of companies we find it necessary to ensure common security practices are followed.

Instructions on how to disable Windows Updates checks are available through our support channel but require written consent of:

  • Windows updates being applied regularly,
  • Running only with a Microsoft support agreement,
  • Confidentiality on the procedure.

I can confirm that Data Hub 20.1.464 is now handling the error itgencun017 with soft fail. The script continues to run.

thanks !

I must have checked before replying:

The itgencun017 does not appear anymore in the Data Hub logs so whether is a soft fail or resolution of HRESULT : 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED) is only know by Data Hub itself.

Have a nice day

Good to hear it has been resolved. Invantive Data Hub 20.1.464 should indeed internally cope with the message. It might be displayed only in the trace logging.