Error itgendir010: InvantiveSystemException DataHub

With the latest versions of Data Hub (.msi and net6) I get the following error when launched by script.

When cmd line launched, this error does not appear (able to browse databases, licence).

I cannot find what to do with release:

  • Product: Invantive Data Hub
  • Configuration: Release
  • File Version:
  • Version:
  • Version Label: 23.0.94-PROD+4312
  • Build Date: 02/11/2023 17:08:17
2024-01-29 13:45:39.917 Exclamation itgencun016: Exclamation itgendir010: The implementation of 'Invantive.Basics.IStateHelper' was never registered or tried for registration.
Please register it and try again.
2024-01-29 13:45:41.924 Error itgendir010: InvantiveSystemException
   à Invantive.Basics.ValidationException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String messageCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, String localStackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Boolean isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId, String url, Nullable`1 partyUid, String partitionCode, String tableName)
   à Invantive.Basics.InvantiveSystemException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String validationCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, String stackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Boolean isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId, String partitionCode, String tableName)
   à (GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String , String , String , String , String , Exception , Boolean , Nullable`1 , Boolean , String , String , String )
   à IBC.IY.M(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String , String , String , String , String , Exception , Boolean , Nullable`1 , Boolean , String , String , String )
   à Invantive.Basics.DependencyInjectionContainer.Resolve[TFrom](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions)
   à Invantive.Basics.Helpers.get_State()
   à Invantive.Data.DataContextBase.GetDataContext[T](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, Func`2 creator)
   à IDH.I.R(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String[] )
   à IDH.I.V(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String[] )
   à Invantive.Producer.QueryEngine.Program.Main(String[] arguments)
   à Invantive.Basics.DependencyInjectionContainer.Resolve[TFrom](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions)
   à Invantive.Basics.Helpers.get_State()
   à Invantive.Data.DataContextBase.GetDataContext[T](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, Func`2 creator)
   à IDH.I.R(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String[] )
   à IDH.I.V(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String[] )
2024-01-29 13:45:41.939 Error itgenube182: itgendir010: The implementation of 'Invantive.Basics.IStateHelper' was never registered or tried for registration. Please register it and try again.

This error is not present on:

  • Configuration: Release
  • File Version: 22.0.705.4117
  • Version: 22.0.705.4117
  • Version Label: 22.0.705-PROD+4117
  • Build Date: 25/07/2023 21:11:36

Could someone help me on this error, I cannot find what to do.

The issue appears also on the newly released net 8.0 24.0.17-PROD+4608:

*** General ***
Local Machine Code: T+pxWvrsZ8Sgt/aBaf5txg==

2024-02-05 11:00:46.504 Information itgendhb037: Logged 69 messages.
2024-02-05 11:11:27.201 Information itgencun014: Invantive Data Hub Multi-Platform (24.0.17-PROD+4608)
2024-02-05 11:11:27.202 Information itgencun015: (C) Copyright 2004-2024 Invantive Software BV, Pays-Bas. Tous droits réservés.
2024-02-05 11:11:27.202 Information itgendhb028: Début de la journalisation dans le fichier journal « ****** ».
2024-02-05 11:11:27.202 Information itgendhb038: Invantive Data Hub Multi-Platform (24.0.17-PROD+4608)
2024-02-05 11:11:27.202 Information itgendhb039: (C) Copyright 2004-2024 Invantive Software BV, Pays-Bas. Tous droits réservés.
2024-02-05 11:11:27.319 Exclamation itgencun016: Exclamation itgendir010: The implementation of 'Invantive.Basics.IStateHelper' was never registered or tried for registration.
Please register it and try again.
2024-02-05 11:11:29.332 Error itgendir010: InvantiveSystemException
   at Invantive.Basics.ValidationException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String messageCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, String localStackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Boolean isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId, String url, Nullable`1 partyUid, String partitionCode, String tableName)
   at Invantive.Basics.InvantiveSystemException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String validationCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, String stackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Boolean isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId, String partitionCode, String tableName)
   at Invantive.Basics.DependencyInjectionContainer.Resolve[TFrom](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions)
   at Invantive.Basics.Helpers.get_State()
   at Invantive.Data.DataContextBase.GetDataContext[T](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, Func`2 creator)
   at Invantive.Producer.Data.DataContext.get_Current()
   at Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub.QueryEngine.ParseArgumentsLicenseKey(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String[] arguments)
   at Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub.QueryEngine.Run(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String[] arguments)
   at Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub.Program.Main(String[] args)
   at Invantive.Basics.DependencyInjectionContainer.Resolve[TFrom](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions)
   at Invantive.Basics.Helpers.get_State()
   at Invantive.Data.DataContextBase.GetDataContext[T](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, Func`2 creator)
   at Invantive.Producer.Data.DataContext.get_Current()
   at Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub.QueryEngine.ParseArgumentsLicenseKey(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String[] arguments) in c:\smoke\ws-24.0\Invantive.Data.Hub\src\Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub\QueryEngine.cs:line 1308
   at Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub.QueryEngine.Run(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String[] arguments) in c:\smoke\ws-24.0\Invantive.Data.Hub\src\Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub\QueryEngine.cs:line 201
2024-02-05 11:11:29.341 Error itgenube182: itgendir010: The implementation of 'Invantive.Basics.IStateHelper' was never registered or tried for registration. Please register it and try again.

How is that possible that the code refers to such folder:

   in c:\smoke\ws-24.0\Invantive.Data.Hub\src\Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub\QueryEngine.cs:line 1308
   in c:\smoke\ws-24.0\Invantive.Data.Hub\src\Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub\QueryEngine.cs:line 201

My install sits in C:\Program Files (x86)\Invantive Software BV\Invantive Data Hub net8.0 24.0.17\

The issue also appears on the latest .msi 24.0.21-PROD+4611:

*** General ***
Local Machine Code: T+pxWvrsZ8Sgt/aBaf5txg==

2024-02-05 11:11:29.343 Information itgendhb037: Logged 11 messages.
2024-02-05 11:49:15.756 Information itgencun014: Invantive Data Hub (24.0.21-PROD+4611)
2024-02-05 11:49:15.756 Information itgencun015: (C) Copyright 2004-2024 Invantive Software BV, Pays-Bas. Tous droits réservés.
2024-02-05 11:49:15.756 Information itgendhb028: Début de la journalisation dans le fichier journal « **** ».
2024-02-05 11:49:15.756 Information itgendhb038: Invantive Data Hub (24.0.21-PROD+4611)
2024-02-05 11:49:15.756 Information itgendhb039: (C) Copyright 2004-2024 Invantive Software BV, Pays-Bas. Tous droits réservés.
2024-02-05 11:49:16.057 Exclamation itgencun016: Exclamation itgendir010: The implementation of 'Invantive.Basics.IStateHelper' was never registered or tried for registration.
Please register it and try again.
2024-02-05 11:49:18.072 Error itgendir010: InvantiveSystemException
   à Invantive.Basics.ValidationException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String messageCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, String localStackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Boolean isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId, String url, Nullable`1 partyUid, String partitionCode, String tableName)
   à Invantive.Basics.InvantiveSystemException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String validationCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, String stackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Boolean isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId, String partitionCode, String tableName)
   à (GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String , String , String , String , String , Exception , Boolean , Nullable`1 , Boolean , String , String , String )
   à IBC.ZM.H(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String , String , String , String , String , Exception , Boolean , Nullable`1 , Boolean , String , String , String )
   à Invantive.Basics.DependencyInjectionContainer.Resolve[TFrom](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions)
   à Invantive.Basics.Helpers.get_State()
   à Invantive.Data.DataContextBase.GetDataContext[T](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, Func`2 creator)
   à IDH.N.Z(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String[] )
   à IDH.N.I(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String[] )
   à Invantive.Producer.QueryEngine.Program.Main(String[] arguments)
   à Invantive.Basics.DependencyInjectionContainer.Resolve[TFrom](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions)
   à Invantive.Basics.Helpers.get_State()
   à Invantive.Data.DataContextBase.GetDataContext[T](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, Func`2 creator)
   à IDH.N.Z(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String[] )
   à IDH.N.I(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String[] )
2024-02-05 11:49:18.162 Error itgenube182: itgendir010: The implementation of 'Invantive.Basics.IStateHelper' was never registered or tried for registration. Please register it and try again.

After digging with some tests it appears that the issue appears only with the headless mode of Data Hub like described here.

By running Data Hub in the command line interface, the instruction run ok.

Could someone from @invantive take a look at this ?

Because I’m stuck on version 22.0.705-PROD-4117 NET6.0

This error should not occur on release 24.0 in neither net 4.7, net 6.0 and net 8.0 releases.

It indicates a failure in initializing the software. It does not seem a generic issue since Invantive internally runs these releases of Data Hub for their own processing.

Can you create and send a trace file of such a session as described in Provide Support with Data Hub and other on-premises products to Invantive by email?

Can you also specify exactly what Windows version you are running on?

In case you need assistance, please call Invantive refering to 4067 and you will be forwarded to 3nd line support.

The reference to folders starting with c:\smoke\ws-24.0 can safely be ignored. This is a path integrated into the software, referring to the location on one of our build servers that create the software deliverables.

Trace file generated and sent by email.

Data Hub runs on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Edition, version 1809.

Could you advise on this issue ? I sent to support the file on 06/02/2024.

The problem was solved through analysis. The error was a side effect of a configuration issue.