I was running an old 20.0 Data Hub version, I needed to upgrade to get better compliance with code I write in Query tool.
Unfortunately, it seems that my license key that worked well for Data Hub 20.0 is not working for Data Hub 20.1.444 BETA:
itgenlic696: The use of Invantive Data Hub is not possible with this license.
Please contact Invantive to license this application.
Requête itgencun002: Show details? Question? [y/N] y Invantive.Basics.InvantiveLicenseException à Invantive.Basics.ValidationException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String messageCode, String messageText, String kindRequest, String localStackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Boolean isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId) à Invantive.Basics.InvantiveLicenseException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String errorCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, Exception innerException, String nk, Nullable`1 uid) à Invantive.Producer.LicenseHelper.LoadLicenseCode(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String licenseKey, String fileOrigin) à Invant...aseCore.ShowLogOnDialog(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String databaseFullName, CredentialsContainer credentialsContainer, String functionCode) à IDH.N.GC(String[] ) à Invantive.Producer.QueryEngine.Program.Main(String[] arguments) à Invantive.Producer.LicenseHelper.LoadLicenseCode(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String licenseKey, String fileOrigin) à Invantive.Producer.LicenseTextForm.GC(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions ) à Invantive.Producer.LicenseTextForm.W.Q() à Invantive.Producer.ConsoleMenuForm.Show() à Invantive.Producer.LicenseTextForm.Show() à Invantive.Producer.ConsoleUserInteraction.ShowLicenseDialog(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions) Requête itgenlom005: (Partial) database name or unique number ('?' for list, append text to filter, '*' for discovery, 'L' for license, '@' for details, 'C' for exit)
Also it broke the key for Data Hub 20.0:
Error itgenpis001: itgenpis001: The product installation user configuration can not be loaded. The file ‘C:\Users\my-folder\Invantive\Prd\Invantive Data Hub\Inst\Data Hub\product-installation-user.settings’ will be disabled. Please investigate manually.
Il existe une erreur dans le document XML (20, 69).
itgenemd002: Unknown node ‘LicenseKeyEncryptionApproach’ in XML file on line 20, position 69, context ‘’.
Question itgencun002: itgen_question_show_details itgen_continue_question [itgen_answer_yes_answer_short/ITGEN_ANSWER_NO_ANSWER_SHORT]
What should I do?