Itgenlic696: The use of Invantive Data Hub is not possible with this license

I was running an old 20.0 Data Hub version, I needed to upgrade to get better compliance with code I write in Query tool.

Unfortunately, it seems that my license key that worked well for Data Hub 20.0 is not working for Data Hub 20.1.444 BETA:

itgenlic696: The use of Invantive Data Hub is not possible with this license.
Please contact Invantive to license this application.

Requête itgencun002: Show details? Question? [y/N]
   à Invantive.Basics.ValidationException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String messageCode, String messageText, String kindRequest, String localStackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Boolean isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId)
   à Invantive.Basics.InvantiveLicenseException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String errorCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, Exception innerException, String nk, Nullable`1 uid)
   à Invantive.Producer.LicenseHelper.LoadLicenseCode(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String licenseKey, String fileOrigin)
   à Invant...aseCore.ShowLogOnDialog(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String databaseFullName, CredentialsContainer credentialsContainer, String functionCode)
   à IDH.N.GC(String[] )
   à Invantive.Producer.QueryEngine.Program.Main(String[] arguments)
   à Invantive.Producer.LicenseHelper.LoadLicenseCode(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String licenseKey, String fileOrigin)
   à Invantive.Producer.LicenseTextForm.GC(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions )
   à Invantive.Producer.LicenseTextForm.W.Q()
   à Invantive.Producer.ConsoleMenuForm.Show()
   à Invantive.Producer.LicenseTextForm.Show()
   à Invantive.Producer.ConsoleUserInteraction.ShowLicenseDialog(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions)
Requête itgenlom005: (Partial) database name or unique number ('?' for list, append text to filter, '*' for discovery, 'L' for license, '@' for details, 'C' for exit)

Also it broke the key for Data Hub 20.0:

Error itgenpis001: itgenpis001: The product installation user configuration can not be loaded. The file ‘C:\Users\my-folder\Invantive\Prd\Invantive Data Hub\Inst\Data Hub\product-installation-user.settings’ will be disabled. Please investigate manually.

Il existe une erreur dans le document XML (20, 69).

itgenemd002: Unknown node ‘LicenseKeyEncryptionApproach’ in XML file on line 20, position 69, context ‘’.
Question itgencun002: itgen_question_show_details itgen_continue_question [itgen_answer_yes_answer_short/ITGEN_ANSWER_NO_ANSWER_SHORT]

What should I do?

Thank you for reporting the issue.

The itgenlic696 means that the license key does not include support for the (technical) product Invantive Data Hub. The license key is part of the license subscription with code ‘L623634445’ on the (commercial) product ‘SUBCMEA02’.

The product code ‘SUBCMEA02’ stands for Invantive Office for Entrepreneurs - 2 users. For the (technical) product Invantive Data Hub a license key is needed on a (commercial) product with Invantive Data Hub included, such as Invantive Data Hub All Cloud.

Yes, the difference between a program name and the associated commercial product can be quite challenging to detect. The differences between these two products can be found online:

A Data Hub subscription has been registered for you and ended the Invantive Office subscription. There might be small differences in pricing, as displayed on the site.

A check was done what caused the confusion. It seems that a 180 day trial of Data Hub was used and expired recently. Apologies for not proactively reaching out to you when we could have seen that the trial was in active use.

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