Export all Outstanding Items (AP and AR) from Exact Online Companies

This articles explains you how to export all account receivables outstanding items and payables outstanding items to Excel workbooks.


Execute the following steps:

  • Start Invantive Query Tool.
  • Log on to Exact Online.
  • Copy the following statements in the source code editor:
use all

select *
from   aroutstandingitems

local export results as "${system:userdocumentsdirectory}\ar.xlsx" format xlsx include headers

select *
from   apoutstandingitems

local export results as "${system:userdocumentsdirectory}\ap.xlsx" format xlsx include headers
  • Press F5 or select the “Execute All“ button.
  • The output can be found as ar.xlsx and ap.xlsx in your documents folder.

You can also use a pre-defined Invantive Script variable as target folder:

local define OUTPUT_FILE "${system:userdocumentsdirectory}\ar.xlsx"

local export results as "${OUTPUT_FILE}" format xlsx include headers

You can also use Invantive SQL to set the target folder using such an Invantive Script variable:

select '${system:userdocumentsdirectory}\ar.xlsx' my_folder

local define OUTPUT_FILE "${outcome:0,0}"

local export results as "${OUTPUT_FILE}" format xlsx include headers