This articles explains you how to export all account receivables outstanding items and payables outstanding items to Excel workbooks.
Execute the following steps:
- Start Invantive Query Tool.
- Log on to Exact Online.
- Copy the following statements in the source code editor:
use all
select *
from aroutstandingitems
local export results as "${system:userdocumentsdirectory}\ar.xlsx" format xlsx include headers
select *
from apoutstandingitems
local export results as "${system:userdocumentsdirectory}\ap.xlsx" format xlsx include headers
- Press F5 or select the “Execute All“ button.
- The output can be found as ar.xlsx and ap.xlsx in your documents folder.
You can also use a pre-defined Invantive Script variable as target folder:
local define OUTPUT_FILE "${system:userdocumentsdirectory}\ar.xlsx"
local export results as "${OUTPUT_FILE}" format xlsx include headers
You can also use Invantive SQL to set the target folder using such an Invantive Script variable:
select '${system:userdocumentsdirectory}\ar.xlsx' my_folder
local define OUTPUT_FILE "${outcome:0,0}"
local export results as "${OUTPUT_FILE}" format xlsx include headers