Freshdesk question export data

Thank you for your help so far.

Could you kindly share the API endpoint for pulling the Freshdesk tickets into Power BI.

Specifically if you can help us if it’s ticket export or activity export.

Schedule export sample:
URL for activities :

We fail to understand the question. What is the relationship with that tickets_incremental keeps spinning?

I’m sorry, it’s not related. Just had a session with FreshDesk support regarding a related topic and they asked this question. I was hoping that posting it here will get us a quick answer.

The export API is not available due to it being asynchroneous and some concurrence limitations.

Typically these can be addressed using NativePlatformScalarRequests, such as (not thoroughly tested):

  l_company      varchar2 := 'acme';
  l_uid          varchar2;
  l_id           number;
  l_loop         boolean;
  l_download_url varchar2;
  l_uid := to_char(newid());
  -- Request async download of contact.
  -- Note that there is a limit: no concurrency.
  -- Otherwise a itgenfpr029 is returned.
  insert into NativePlatformScalarRequests@fdk
  ( url
  , http_method
  , payload_text
  , orig_system_reference
  ( 'https://' || l_company || ''
  , 'POST'
  , '{ "fields": { "default_fields": ["name", "email"], "custom_fields": [] } }'
  , l_uid
  -- Retrieve request ID.
  into   l_id
  from   NativePlatformScalarRequests@fdk npt
  join   jsontable
         ( ''
           passing npt.result_text
           columns id varchar2 path 'id'
         ) jte
  where  npt.orig_system_reference = l_uid
  dbms_output.put_line('Request has ID ' || l_id || '.');
  -- Wait till download finishes.
  l_loop := true;
  while l_loop
    l_uid := to_char(newid());
    insert into NativePlatformScalarRequests
    ( url
    , http_method
    , orig_system_reference
    ( 'https://' || l_company || '' || l_id
    , 'GET'
    , l_uid
    -- Check whether it is ready.
    select download_url
    into   l_download_url
    from   NativePlatformScalarRequests@fdk
    join   jsontable
           ( ''
             passing result_text
             columns download_url varchar2 path 'download_url'
           ) jte
    where  orig_system_reference = l_uid
    if l_download_url is not null
      l_loop := false;
      dbms_output.put_line('Request not finished, trying again in few seconds.');
    end if;
  end loop;
  -- When in an app on App Online, use cloud_http to create a download.
  -- Or use csvtable to parse the contents.

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