When working with empirical data, you will often come across historical website URLs. The URLs may have been redirected to another site or location however.
In the process of determining canonical URLs, this sample will help you determine the actual ultimate URL redirect to. The table assumes you have a table bubs_leveranciers
on an Oracle database with a URL stored in lvr_website_url
. It returns all URLs that have been redirected using:
select lvr.lvr_id
, lvr.lvr_website_url
, htp.returned_url
from bubs_leveranciers_v@ora lvr
join HTTPDOWNLOAD@DataDictionary
( lvr.lvr_website_url
, ignoreWebError => true
) htp
on htp.returned_url = lvr.lvr_website_url
where lvr.lvr_website_url is not null