bubs_http_util PL/SQL for the retrieval of web pages like CLOB or BLOB
The Invantive products contain an extended PL/SQL library which allows you to:
- execute conversions,
- call web services for the retrieval and approach of the Cadaster, Chamber of Commerce or sales information,
- request web pages and
- start background processes.
One of the packages in the PL/SQL library is “bubs_http_util”. With the “bubs_http_util” PL/SQL package you can retrieve web pages in CLOB or BLOB format. Images are usually retrieved as BLOB, but text pages in HTML format usually come as CLOB. In addition, the requested web pages can be stored automatically in the Invantive Producer cache so that you can retrieve them faster next time.
An example of the use of bubs_http_util for the retrieval of the webpage of the Triodos bank from SQL is:
select bubs_http_util.get_content_as_clob('http://www.triodos.nl')
from dual
You can also request the contents of web pages and images through HTTPS. Do make sure you put the certification in your Oracle Wallet in advance. A small example:
select bubs_http_util.get_content_as_clob('http://www.triodos.nl')
from dual
Resolve ORA-28784: file name translation failure
An ORA-28784 error can occur when using the PL/SQL package bubs_http_util to access sites using HTTPS. The ORA-28784 will also have “SYS.UTL_HTTP” in the call stack. There is no public documentation available of this error.
Execute the following steps to resolve the ORA-28784 error when retrieving data from the web through HTTPS:
- Check the profile option values that start with “bubs-auth-http%” (see image).
- The ORA-28784 error occurs on incorrect values listed here, for example a dollar-sign (’$’) as file name or password.
- Correct the values so that when opening Oracle Wallet file the ORA-28784 error will no longer occur.