Improve filter financial year performance on Twinfield

The following query can be combined with various filters on Twinfield. However, the Twinfield-specific optimizations do not always lead to the desired performance improvements:

Base query

set use-http-disk-cache@tfd false

set use-http-memory-cache@tfd false

select count(*) 
from   GeneralLedgerDetailsV3@tfd
where  fin_trs_line_dim1type = 'PNL'
... additional filter ...

Filter on specific year

The filter on specific year works fine, 31 seconds for 28 Twinfield offices:

and    fin_trs_head_year = 2021 

Filter on year range

The filter on specific year works not so fine, 85 seconds for 28 Twinfield offices:

and    fin_trs_head_year >= 2021 

Expectation: better server-side filtering for better performance.

Filter on year OR

The filter on specific years works not so fine, 80 seconds for 28 Twinfield offices:

and    ( fin_trs_head_year = 2021 or fin_trs_head_year = 2022 )

Expectation: better server-side filtering for better performance, see also IN.

Filter on year IN

The filter on specific years works not so fine, 80 seconds for 28 Twinfield offices:

and    fin_trs_head_year in (2021, 2022)


and    fin_trs_head_year in (2021, 2024, 2027)

Expectation: better server-side filtering for better performance, see also OR.

The software might rewrite a consecutive list to a between for Twinfield, or two separate queries whose results are union-ed.