I am encountering an issue while attempting to retrieve the mapping table and the associated general ledger accounts. Specifically, I am using the tables: Twinfield.Views.GeneralLedgerAccountMappings@tfd and Twinfield.Views.GeneralLedgerAccountMappingAccounts@tfd respectively.
I am filtering based on a single hierarchy_code, which I have hidden for privacy reasons in this example.
When retrieving the mapping (Twinfield.Views.GeneralLedgerAccountMappings@tfd), I receive 365 rows, representing the complete reporting structure.
However, when attempting to retrieve the underlying general ledger accounts (Twinfield.Views.GeneralLedgerAccountMappingAccounts@tfd), I do not get any rows returned.
For Invantive it is not possible to analyze the working due to lacking documentation and no access to a test environment which displays the behaviour (Twinfield offers no access to partners to the Hierarchy setup).
In case any user has a (test) environment that displays the problem and for which credentials (user name, password, environment code) can be provided we will be happy to look into it.
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