Itgenobr267 melding: Could not extract Azure AD B2C form action

Ik heb foutmelding bij een klant:

2025-01-13 06:01:10.885 Error itgencun016: Error itgenobr267: A connection to the database Klantnaam\replica could not be established.

Could not extract Azure AD B2C form action.
2025-01-13 06:01:12.903 Error itgenobr267: Invantive.Basics.InvantiveSqlException
   at Invantive.Basics.ValidationException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String messageCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, String localStackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Nullable`1 isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId, String url, Nullable`1 partyUid, String partitionCode, String tableName)
   at Invantive.Basics.InvantiveSqlException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String validationCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, String stackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Boolean isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId, String partitionCode, String tableName)
   at Invantive.Data.OAuth.OAuthBackgroundProvider.GetOAuthAccessTokenForEOL(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, SqlExecutionStep sqlExecutionStep, SerializableDatabase database, DataContainer dataContainer, String providerName, OAuthInformation oauthInfo, Credentials credentials)
   at Invantive.Data.OAuth.OAuthBackgroundProvider.Invantive.Data.IOAuthProvider.GetOAuthToken(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, SqlExecutionStep sqlExecutionStep, SerializableDatabase database, DataContainer dataContainer, OAuthInformation oauthInfo, Credentials credentials)
   at Invantive.Data.ConnectionManager.ExecuteGetOAuthToken(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, SqlExecutionStep sqlExecutionStep, SerializableDatabase database, DataContainer dataContainer, OAuthInformation oauthInfo, Credentials credentials)
   at Invantive.Data.ConnectionManager.GetOAuthToken(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, SqlExecutionStep sqlExecutionStep, SerializableDatabase database, DataContainer dataContainer, OAuthInformation oauthInfo, Credentials credentials)
   at Invantive.Data.ConnectionManager.GetOAuthTokenForConnection(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, SqlExecutionStep sqlExecutionStep, SerializableDatabase database, DataContainer dataContainer, ISupportsOAuth provider, Credentials credentials, Boolean ignoreDecryptionErrors, Boolean& decryptionErrorsOccurred)
2025-01-13 06:01:12.918 Question: Question: Do you want to discover available databases? Discovery might find new databases.

The last discovery was run on 27-5-2024 12:26:34.
2025-01-13 06:01:12.918 Information itgencun003: Return default decision: Yes.
2025-01-13 06:01:12.934 Error itgencun016: Error itgendhb005: Could not connect to database 'ACME\replica'. Application will be closed.

Advies is om een upgrade te plaatsen.

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