Itgensdf073 Invantive Control for Excel - During downloading facts, an error occurred which caused the backup to be restored

The following error occurs during downloading facts:

During downloading facts, an error occurred which caused the backup to be restored. However, the backup could not be restored. Your spreadsheet may have become corrupted.
Please revert to a previous version of the Excel spreadsheet.
One or more errors occurred.
itgenuty438: Could not insert the Excel range ‘Details!$A$1047701:$U$1048576’ and move the remaining cells.
Please check whether your recent changes in the model are trying to resize or otherwise change an Excel table. In that case make sure the Excel table is properly defined and altered. If necessary, disassociate the Excel table with the cells, synchronize and re-create the Excel table.
Insert method of Range class failed.
itgensdf072: The copy from the range ‘IP_BACKUP_Details!$A$3:$U$10233’ to the range ‘Details!$A$3:$U$10233’ failed.
You can’t paste this here because the Copy area and paste area aren’t the same size.
Select just one cell in the paste area or an area that’s the same size, and try pasting again.

The error details are:

Message ID: e03e4b05-6595-4d7d-87a2-8d4dd2ed4c50
Occurred (UTC): 04/05/2021 10:14:35
at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32 aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData)
at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range.Copy(Object Destination)
at Invantive.Producer.Control.Utility.CopyRange(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, Range sourceRange, Range targetRange) in C:\Users\gle3.WS212\Documents\ws-20.0\Invantive.Control\src\Invantive.Producer.Control\SyncToDatabaseForm.cs:line 3517
at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32 aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData)
at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range.Insert(Object Shift, Object CopyOrigin)
at Invantive.Producer.Control.Utility.GF(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , Range , XlInsertShiftDirection ) in C:\Users\gle3.WS212\Documents\ws-20.0\Invantive.Control\src\Invantive.Producer.Control\Utility.cs:line 12595
at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32 aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData)
at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range.Insert(Object Shift, Object CopyOrigin)
at Invantive.Producer.Control.Utility.GF(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , Range , XlInsertShiftDirection ) in C:\Users\gle3.WS212\Documents\ws-20.0\Invantive.Control\src\Invantive.Producer.Control\Utility.cs:line 12595

The probable cause is:

It seems that the Excel worksheet “Details” has contents close to the last possible rows. It is unlikely that it has actual contents, and probably by some small user fault historically the rows 1047701…1048576 are now considered to have contents (although maybe looking empty).

Please navigate to the first row from the top where you think there is no contents. Select all rows in Excel below this row using CtrlShiftEnd and then choose “Delete rows” from the context menu.