Please note that the PSD2 bank statements are in UTF16 encoding instead of UTF-8. That might explain the error. Can you try logic such as:
select ...
from transactionlinesbulk@${EOL_ROTATOR} tle
on tle.accountcode = ive.eol_invoice_to_code
and tle.amountdc != 0
and tle.journalcode = '20'
and tle.invoicenumber is not null
and tle.glaccount
( select /*+ low_cost */ id
from exactonlinerest..glaccountsincremental@${EOL_ROTATOR}
where code ='1100'
join ExactOnlineREST..DocumentAttachmentFiles@${EOL_ROTATOR} dae
on dae.division = tle.division
and dae.document = tle.document
and dae.filename like 'Statement %.txt'
join AttachmentByUrl@${EOL_ROTATOR}(dae.url || '&Download=1') dct
join jsontable
( 'Transactions[*]'
passing blob_to_text(dct.DocumentContents, 'Unicode')
columns TransactionDateTimeUtc datetime path 'TransactionDateTimeUtc'
, Description varchar2 path 'Description'
, CounterPartyName varchar2 path 'CounterParty.Name'
, CounterPartyAccountIdentification varchar2 path 'CounterParty.BankEntity.AccountIdentification'
) jte
The use of blob_to_text(dct.DocumentContents, 'Unicode')
ensures the conversion to text.
Please upgrade to a more recent 22.0 or BETA 22.1 version when the blob_to_text
does not work.