It seems the AttachmentByUrl@eol creates duplicates values by using join
in my setup (QueryTool 22.0.578):
select * from exactonlinerest..documents@eol dct
join exactonlinerest..documentattachmentfiles@eol dae on = dae.document
where dct.type = 40 AND dct.Created > dateadd('day','-1',sysdateutc) AND dct.SendMethod = 2
retrieves 4 results
adding the AttachmentByUrl@eol :
select * from exactonlinerest..documents@eol dct
join exactonlinerest..documentattachmentfiles@eol dae on = dae.document
join AttachmentByUrl@eol (dae.url || '&Download=1') dcta
where dct.type = 40 AND dct.Created > dateadd('day','-1',sysdateutc) AND dct.SendMethod = 2
gives 175 results, with some items repeated 15 times.
It seems adding select distinct somehow does not solve the issue:
it gives 75 results (down from 175) but some results are still shown 3,2 and few 1 times.
the duplication caused by the join AttachmentByUrl@eol is confirmed
it duplicates 5 times the results
select * from exactonlinerest..documents@eol dct
join exactonlinerest..documentattachmentfiles@eol dae on = dae.document
join AttachmentByUrl@eol (dae.url || '&Download=1') dcta
where dct.type = 40 AND dct.Created > '2023-03-21T00:00:00' AND dct.SendMethod = 2
result : 20 rows
select * from exactonlinerest..documents@eol dct
join exactonlinerest..documentattachmentfiles@eol dae on = dae.document
where dct.type = 40 AND dct.Created > '2023-03-21T00:00:00' AND dct.SendMethod = 2
result : 4 rows
the select distinct clause not working as expected
w-We have to take into consideration that in PSD2 mode Exact retrieves bank transactions (and not statements) 4 times a day, whereas in the classic bank link it gets the statement only once a day.
In my above query I was extracting the SequenceNumber of the json file, and found out that during the day, a same transaction would have different position in the json file, thus different SequenceNumber.
As a consequence the select distinct was indeed working but excluding theses cases and not presenting the results as expected.
the good statement becomes:
select distinct dct.division, fle.* from exactonlinerest..documents@eol dct
join exactonlinerest..documentattachmentfiles@eol dae on = dae.document
join AttachmentByUrl@eol (dae.url || '&Download=1') dcta
join jsontable
passing blob_to_text(dcta.DocumentContents, 'Unicode')
--bankAccountID varchar2 path '::BankAccountId'
transactiondate datetime path '.TransactionDate'
,Description varchar2 path 'Description'
--,rawData varchar2 path 'RawData'
,ownAccount varchar2 path 'Owner.BankEntity.AccountIdentification'
--,SequenceNumber varchar2 path 'SequenceNumber' -> removed since the file is downloaded 4 times/day by Eol, the same transaction can be present in the 4 json files but with different Sequence number.
,TransactionNumber varchar2 path 'TransactionNumber'
--,TransactionIdentifiers varchar2 path 'TransactionIdentifiers'
,Type varchar2 path 'Type'
,amount varchar2 path 'Amounts.[*].Value'
,CounterpartyName varchar2 path 'CounterParty.Name'
,CounterpartyAccount varchar2 path 'CounterParty.BankEntity.AccountIdentification'
) fle
where dct.type = 40 AND dct.Created > dateadd('day','-10',sysdateutc) AND dct.SendMethod = 2
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