Missing divisions in the GL Accounts table

It seems that there is a problem with getting data from Exact Online in the GL Accounts table.

We have four divisions/ administrations in Exact. However, there are currently only two divisions visible in the divisions table from Exact.

Can anyone help. Is this a recurring issue?

[Translated from Dutch]

I have the same issue! At colleagues of mine all divisions are loaded but at mine (in the same PBIX file) only 8 out of 40 are loaded.

What is the precise table name you are missing data from?

Might be related to 1 administratie komt niet door in GLClassificationsIncremental, maar wel in GLAccountsIncremental (Dutch).

For me it is GLAccountsIncremental that only shows two out of the four divisions.

Thank you. The issue will be followed up on 1 administratie komt niet door in GLClassificationsIncremental, maar wel in GLAccountsIncremental.