The problem has been reproduced.
The first query retrieves transactions on 201811 from which there are 29 reported, but no batch number 000090.
select sum
( case
when batchnumber = '000090'
then 1
else 0
) cnt_match -- 0
, count(*) cnt_total -- 29
from VismaNet.JournalTransactionV2.JournalTransactionsByPeriodOrDateV2@vnt
( company_code => ...
, periodId => '201811'
) jtn
The second one retrieves the batch number 000090, which then exists:
select count(*) cnt -- 1
from JournalTransactionsByNumberV2
, journalTransactionNumber => '000090'
where batchnumber = '000090'
and financialPeriod = '201811'
and company_code = ...
It is unclear yet why the retrieval does not find the transaction, but does find transaction lines. A developer will look into this.
Request retrieving 000090
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Request retrieving no 000090
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