Upon retrieving the contents of VismaNet.JournalTransactionV2.JournalTransactionLinesByPeriodOrDateV2 or JournalTransactionLines@vnt I get the following error on company 700901:
The Visma.net Financials API returned no values for any of the 32 fields in row #0. Contact Visma.net Financials Support regarding the payload ‘{ “lineNumber”: 1, “accountNumber”: “2400”, “description”: “…ndørg…”, “subaccount”: { “subaccountNumb…”, “module”: “ModuleAP”, “project”: { “id”: “X”, “description”: “Non-Project Code.” }, “quantity”: 0.0 }’.
The problem also occurs with other companies.
The module code is:
create or replace table JournalTransactions@mss
select *
from JournalTransactions@vnt
It reproduces als on:
use all@vnt
select *
from VismaNet.JournalTransactionV2.JournalTransactionLinesByPeriodOrDateV2('702364', '201812')@vnt
A new Invantive Cloud-release has been taken into production on Invantive Cloud, Invantive App Online and Invantive Bridge Online which solves the itgenoda485 on subAccountSegments and journalTransactionLines by altering the handling of the dynamic datamodel of Visma.net Finance.
The change is also present in release 22.0.296 onward of the Invantive on-premises software products.
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Please ask a new question via a separate topic if the problem occurs again. Please include a link to this topic in the new question by pasting its URL into the text.