When downloading financial transactions from Visma.net through Invantive Cloud, I am unable to download these since early February 2023. The error is currently:
Du har oppgitt en parameter med navnet ‘COMPANY_CODE’, men det er ingen parameter med det navnet i ‘VismaNet.JournalTransactionV2.JournalTransactionsByPeriodOrDateV2’.
Possible valid alternatives: periodId, lastModifiedDateTime, module, releasedBatch, expandAttachments, branch, pageNumber, pageSize.
It concerns a query on the table VismaNet.Views.JournalTransactions@vnt.
There is currently a large incident on the Visma.net APIs. The cause is yet unclear and it is unclear whether this is a bug in the Visma.net APIs or an undocumented breaking change.
For details, please subscribe to the follwing incident:
A related topic is:
It might be that unexpectedly the expected changes for moving from VNI Authentication to Visma Connect Authentication have been taken into production. It is unclear whether this is intended or a release error; as soon as known we will update this post.
This question was automatically closed after at least 2 weeks of inactivity after a possible solution was provided. The last answer given has been marked as a solution.
Please ask a new question via a separate topic if the problem occurs again. Please include a link to this topic in the new question by pasting its URL into the text.