Odoo Power BI/SQL connector

Add a Power BI and SQL connector for Odoo as described on External API — Odoo 15.0 documentation.

Be aware that there are several versions of Odoo, older ones do not have the API enabled off the shelve.

Also APIs may suffer issues when the volume of data exceed some amount. Then a sync strategy is required like Invantive’s one with @Eol.

We have a self-modified Odoo11 version.
We use a direct PostGres connection with a secured-by-restricted-IP port.

Then using the Invantive’s PostGres connector and [tables-replication-automation-with-stored-procedure-giving-statistics-error-handling-by-email] works like a charm.

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Thanks for your additions. In the past we have also used direct database connection, but it seems that this one is sometimes not available.

Update March 2023:

For Odoo.com and Odoo.sh, and on-premises versions with external API, an Odoo-driver is now available as BETA across all products. For more information see:

For documentation on the standard apps please refer to: