Option to force incorrect Teamleader custom field values to text

I’m trying to follow this guide to disable custom field domain value validation. Where can I find the option to force-custom-field-to-string as shown in the screenshot? I can’t seem to find the menu shown in the screenshot. Any help is much appreciated!

There should be a field named similar to “Represent custom field values as text”, which you can set to True.

Thank you. Where do I go to find this field, though? I haven’t been able to find it on the invantive website.

You mean in Invantive Cloud?

Yes, I don’t know how to navigate to a page or window where I can change this field.

Using Invantive Cloud you have to specify this property manually. You can add ;force-custom-field-to-string=true at the end of the connection string of the data container concerned.

Awesome, that worked!