Post a JSON type payload into an API extracted from container

Here is a working code for extracting values from one container, transform to JSON and upload it in an API endpoint. Variations can easily be added.

select htp.retrieval_duration_ms
,      htp.Bytes_retrieved
,      htp.retrieval_successful
,      htp.http_status_code 
from    ( select * 
          from   my_table@container
          for    json auto
          ,      root
        ) rqe
join   httpdownload@DataDictionary
       ( url => '' 
       , contentType => 'application/json'
       --, headers =>  'Authorization=Bearer my_bearer'
       --, basicAuthenticationUser => 'to_login'
       --, basicAuthenticationPassword => 'my_pwd'
       --, add request_timeout if needed
       , method => 'POST'
       , textpayload => rqe.JSON
       )  htp

Correct, great solution! This is a possible way to upload data to a (cloud)platform for which no driver is available.

More samples can be found:

There is also an approach to rely for authentication on an Invantive driver to extend the functionality of exsting drivers, using NativePlatformScalarRequests. See for example