This article provides steps to rebuild trickle loading, re-enabling any webhooks that the cloud platform might have dropped.
Perform the following steps:
- Log on to your Data Replicator environment using Query Tool or Data Hub.
- Perform the Invantive PSQL statement below:
for r_sql
( select '1-' || tbe.tbe_full_qualified_name sorting_order
, 'alter persistent cache set table '
|| tbe.tbe_full_qualified_name
|| ' approach copy'
from dc_tables@datacache tbe
join SYSTEMTABLES@DataDictionary ste
on ste.full_qualified_name = tbe.tbe_full_qualified_name
and ste.webhook_topic is not null
union all
select '2-' || tbe.tbe_full_qualified_name
, 'alter persistent cache set table '
|| tbe.tbe_full_qualified_name
|| ' approach trickle'
from dc_tables@datacache tbe
join SYSTEMTABLES@DataDictionary ste
on ste.full_qualified_name = tbe.tbe_full_qualified_name
and ste.webhook_topic is not null
by sorting_order
execute immediate r_sql.sql_stmt;
end loop;
- First, all existing webhook subscriptions will be removed for the tables replicated.
- In the next step, the webhook subscriptions are registered again for the replicated tables.
- All tables will have trickle loading as requested replication approach.
- However, trickle loading will only be actually used once a first message is received. This ensures data integrity of your replace and is intended behavior.
- Together with a consultant you might want to overrule this behavior.