RGS Cross-company Queries for Exact Online


Exact Online offers RGS support through the user interface and APIs. Using Invantive SQL this note describes how to create financial reports using RGS codes.

RGS or Referentie Grootboekschema

An optional standardized General Ledger scheme is available within the Netherlands named ‘RGS’ or ‘Referentie Grootboekschema’. Although the creation process was complicated, it now aids business users and accountants in assessing the statements about businesses contained in a General Ledger. It is especially excels when the same information is to be processed by multiple parties and/or compared across multiple companies.

The scheme has a number of versions which are incrementally developed by a community. The reference site has them available.

The implementation approach and adoption speed of individual accounting packages for RGS varies and is sadly enough left to the software vendor market. Also, the inclusion of RGS codes in XML Audit Files version 3.2 and newer is optional. An overview is available at rgsready.nl.

Adoption of RGS especially in small accounting shops is lagging behind as well as support in many accounting software solutions.

RGS is also meant to facilitate information exchange between different software solutions. It enables data-analytics, dashboard or tax computation solutions to use the RGS code to automatically classify account balances in the correct category. This also allows for quicker adoption of other software solutions which in turn may increase speed of innovation in the economy.

Therefore, the promises of economic gains of RGS have not yet been fulfilled and . Also RGS can help in a plain level playing field by improved consistent tax collections. I hope that the Ministry of Finance someday makes use of RGS non-optional for accountants and requires software vendors to support it.

To reduce the amount of interpretation and labor involved in assigning GL Accounts to RGS codes, Analys.io has made available software to automatically add RGS codes based upon heuristics and a database of previous mappings.

RGS on Exact Online

Exact Online has released in 2016 support for RGS based upon the existing Reporting Schemes. For instance, the picture below shows the mapping of a GL Account 0770 towards RGS:

The RGS Reporting Scheme is standardized; it can not be changed. However, customized Reporting Schemes are available too. In this case, all transactions on the GL Account 0770 can be mapped into a reporting code for use in Belgium.

The use of non-standard Reporting Schemes and/or RGS is only available to accountancy subscriptions. Sadly enough this hinders fulfilling the economic gains even more, since cloud collaboration between entrepreneur and accountant is made impossible for this area. The same holds for using multiple customized Reporting Schemes, which is great for reporting according to multiple GAAPs and handling off-balance. Especially when combined with a custom reporting package like Invantive Control the use of additional Reporting Schemes allows cross-company and cross-GAAP reporting and consolidation.

Hopefully Exact makes available Customized and Standardized Reporting Schemes to entrepreneurs in a future review of their subscription’s contents.


After some delay, RGS is now available through a number of APIs. These APIs are available through Invantive SQL. The Exact Online driver of Invantive also adds various reference tables for RGS like ‘Rubrieken’.

However note that several APIs still only support the Customized Reporting Schemes. Also note that I yet have to see real-life practical cases of the use of the fifth level of RGS. I hope that instead of level 5 dimensions such as cost center, project or asset on transactions will be used.

The following queries help you to find APIs which cover RGS and return the necessary information and create reports using Invantive SQL. Of course, you can also use Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle or MySQL for reporting when combined with Invantive Data Replicator. Data Replicator is recommended for performance reasons when the number of companies exceeds 1.000.

To run these queries, you can use any Invantive SQL-based product such as Invantive Query Tool (free version limited to 1.000 rows) or Invantive Control for Excel. These are available for download on download.invantive.com.

Intended Result

The following picture shows you a sample of a RGS-based financial report across multiple Exact Online companies you can achieve with the queries below:

Actual Queries on RGS

After installation and starting the Query Tool from the start menu or completely re-starting Excel, first log on using an accountancy-based subscription:

The queries can be executed for the initial Exact Online company, which defaults to the last used company in the website of Exact. You can also select multiple companies to use. The company numbers can be extracted from a dropdown in the menu, using the number between ‘(’ and ‘)’:


Optional Preparation

To optionally change the companies all future queries will run across to 102673 (‘Zorgdienst…’), 868041 (‘Commercieel bedrijf…’) and 868056 (‘Voorbeeld projectondernemingen’) when you execute the following statement. This step is optional, but when you execute it first replace the numbers by your intended division numbers:
use 102673,868041,868056

It is essential that you choose the right country, since Exact Online has different environments per country. You can execute the following optional step as an Application Control to check that you are using the environment of the Netherlands.

-- Optional step.
select DivisionCustomerName
,      EnvironmentTopLevelDomain
,      case
       when EnvironmentTopLevelDomain != 'nl' 
       then raise_error('sample1', 'Please use the Dutch environment.', 'Log on to Exact Online NL.')
       else 'OK'
from   me

The outcome is similar to:


Query GL Account

The following query will help you retrieve the description of all GL Accounts with code ‘0770’:

-- Access GL Account information, in this case for 0770.
-- The division in the first column is the unique number of the 
-- Exact Online company within the country-specific environment 
-- of Exact Online. In this case the Netherlands.
select division
,      divisionlabel
,      code
,      description
from   exactonlinerest..glaccounts 
where  code = '0770'

The output is similar to:


Query RGS Classification of GL Accounts

The two following queries will both return the RGS classification of all GL Accounts in the companies chosen.

Exact Online offers several APIs: XML and REST. The XML APIs have aged well, especially for accounting, and the REST APIs cover more ERP functionality. The XML APIs get some maintenance, but the major enhancements are made in the REST APIs. In general you will need to use both XML and REST for meaningful reports for accounting.

-- This table is based on a XML API and shows the relationship
-- between a GL Account and a RGS version.
select division_code
,      glclassificationlinks_glaccount_code_attr
,      glclassificationlinks_glaccount_description
,      glaccountscheme_code_attr 
,      glclassification_code_attr
,      glclassification_description
from   glaccountclassifications 
where  glaccountscheme_code_attr = 'RGS versie 1.1'
by     division_code
,      glclassificationlinks_glaccount_code_attr

The same output can be achieved using:

-- This query returns the same results as the previous one,
-- but now using a table based on the REST API.
select Division
,      GLAccountCode
,      GLAccountDescription
,      ClassificationCode
,      ClassificationDescription
from   GLAccountClassificationMappings
where  GLSchemeCode = 'RGS versie 1.1'
by     Division
,      GLAccountCode

The output is similar to the following picture. Note that the account 0770 has a RGS mapping in only two companies, both to the RGS code ‘BEivOreOvw’.

Query RGS Tree Structure

Knowing the RGS code a GL Account in an Exact Online company is mapped to, is only part of the story. You also want to follow the path from the RGS tree entry level all the way to the top.

The following query displays the relationship between the RGS codes. The column ‘Parent’ gives you a unique text that should occur in the column ‘ID’ with the parent of a RGS code. Note that the DivisionNotNull column is used to circumvent a bug in Exact with retrieval of the Division column.

select DivisionNotNull
,      Code
,      Description
,      Id
,      Parent
,      PeriodType
from   GLClassifications
where  TaxonomyNamespaceDescription = 'Referentie GrootboekSchema versie 1.1'
by     Code

The output will be similar to the following, where the parent ID of code ‘Beff - EFFECTEN’ is ‘3201…’ matches the value at for ‘01 - Balans’.

Balance with RGS

The following query produces the intended balance sheet with additional RGS columns (in this case the RGS code plus the optional parent RGS code) as shown at the top of this post:

select ble.division_code
,      ble.reportingyear_attr
,      ble.open
,      ble.close
,      ble.years_balance_code_attr
,      ble.years_balance_description
,      gcg.ClassificationCode label 'RGS Code'
,      gcg.ClassificationDescription label 'RGS Description'
,      gcn1.Code label 'Parent RGS Code'
,      gcn1.Description label 'Parent RGS Description'
from   balancelines ble
-- Combine the GL Account with the optional mapping to RGS.
join   GLAccountClassificationMappings gcg
on     gcg.division      = ble.division_code
and    gcg.GLAccountCode = ble.years_balance_code_attr
and    gcg.GLSchemeCode  = 'RGS versie 1.1'
-- Find the starting entry in the RGS relationship table.
join   GLClassifications gcn0
on     gcn0.DivisionNotNull              = gcg.division
and    gcn0.Code                         = gcg.ClassificationCode
and    gcn0.TaxonomyNamespaceDescription = 'Referentie GrootboekSchema versie 1.1'
-- Navigate one level up in the RGS relationship table to get the RGS parent code.
join   GLClassifications gcn1
on     gcn1.DivisionNotNull = gcn0.DivisionNotNull
and    gcn1.Id              = gcn0.Parent
where  ble.reportingyear_attr = 2018
by     ble.division_code
,      ble.years_balance_code_attr

RGS Reference Data

The RGS reference data are also available in various reference tables, which are listed here for reference only.

select code
,      description
from   RGS11Codes
by     code

select * 
from   RGS11CodeRelations
by     code

select * 
from   RGS11Hoofdrubrieken
by     code

select * 
from   RGS11Mutaties
by     code

select * 
from   RGS11Rekeningen
by     code

select * 
from   RGS11Rubrieken
by     code

Een bericht is gesplitst naar een nieuw topic: RGS uit Exact Online

Wij willen graag de classificaties voor RGS3.2 beschikbaar krijgen in Power BI. Bij het ophalen van de data uit Exact komt de gekoppelde RGS indeling mee in de tabel GLAccountClassificationMappings echter missen we de data van de RGS in de tabel GLClassifications.

De code in dit topic onder “Balance with RGS” is getest maar het resultaat daaruit is dat de laatste twee kolommen (data uit de tabel GLClassifications) leeg zijn. Het gegeven resultaat:

Verder lees ik in onderstaand topic dat Exact een aanpassing heeft doorgevoerd aan de GLClassifications tabel (laatste deel van dit topic). De RGS classificaties zijn niet langer onderdeel van deze tabel.
Efficient werken met GLClassifications voor rapportages over veel Exact Online administraties

Nu wil ik de RGS classificaties wel graag beschikbaar hebben voor administraties waarbij de grootboekrekeningen gekoppeld zijn aan de RGS classificaties. RGS3.2 om precies te zijn. Hoe is deze data op te vragen zodat de structuur van de RGS indeling na te bouwen is in Power BI.