Settings.xml not updating log-on windows in the database name

It seems that after updating my settings.xml file in the connection string of PostgreSQL data container, the database name gets not updated in the log on windows.

I have to update manually so Invantive takes this in account. like something cached or so.

If I create a new connection, then it works directly.

Version 22.0.482 PROD

In some situations changes in settings*.xml files are not automatically detected when the log on window is requested.

Please try the following two workarounds:

  • Select the ‘Edit’ button and wait till the discovery process ends. Typically, the changes are incorporated now.
  • When not successful, close the Invantive Query Tool completely and start it again.

Are the changes not yet visible? In general, the settings*.xml file is not a valid definition. Please validate the contents to be valid XML. Invalid settings*.xml files are by design silently ignored currently.

I tried both solutions… the only turnaround I found is to update manually the database name in the log on windows. Then it stays memorized.

That is strange. Can you:

  • rename the keychain file invantive-own-v2.keychain in %USERPROFILE%\invantive to invantive-own-v2.keychainbackup
  • restart the Query Tool
  • does it then use the correct database name from the settings.xml again?
  • don’t forget to remove the newly created keychain file and place the original one back.

In recent releases on 22.0 and BETA, a number of improvements have been made to improve filling in fields from the Invantive Keychain. Maybe there is a problem with these.

This is what I tested on the PostgresSQL connector:

  • Closed Invantive Query Tool.
  • Changed database name from “A” to “B” in settings*.xml.
  • Launched QueryTool → database name incorrect (“A”) (not reflecting changes)
  • Closed Invantive Query Tool.
  • Renamed invantive-own-v2.keychain to invantive-own-v2.keychain.BAK.
  • Launched Invantive Query Tool → database name OK (“B”) (reflecting change).
  • Closed Invantive Query Tool.
  • Changed a database name to (“A”) in settings*.xml.
  • Launched Invantive Query Tool → database name OK (“A”) (reflecting change).