When loading on-premise database, Data Hub can be used with Bridge Online. When the incorrect table name is specified, a confusing error can occur such as:
2022-02-04 07:27:20.089 Information itgendhb044: Run SQL statement: create or replace table EOL_Industry@sqlserver
select * from Exactonlinexml.XML.[Activitysectors@Eol]@bol
2022-02-04 07:27:20.090 Information itgensql264: Invantive SQL statement gestart.
2022-02-04 07:27:20.188 Warning itgendhb173: Context: create or replace table EOL_Industry@sqlserver as select * from Exactonlinexml.XML.[Activitysectors@Eol]@bol
2022-02-04 07:27:20.232 Error itgencun016: Fout itgenoda042: The requested OData URL could not be found on the Invantive Bridge Online server.The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
Please contact Invantive Support or use another table.
2022-02-04 07:27:20.235 Error itgenoda042: System.Net.WebException
It would be more user friendly when the hint would direct the user to meaningful alternatives, such as using correct casing.