SQL Error in ionBIZ data container

When the dataflows are refreshing all dataflows using Ionbiz data return errors. The error that is mentioned in Invantive Cloud is:

De OAuth-aanmeldgegevens zijn ongeldig.

When looking at the specific database this is the error that gets returned:

De OAuth-aanmeldgegevens zijn ongeldig.

I tried fixing this by going to the data containers and refreshing the authorization, but that also returns an error:

Can someone please help with this issue?

SQL error.

The error message itgenibz022 indicates that the client ID used is not valid.

This is also reflected by the error itgenscr562 where ionBiz reports that the ionBiz-credentials (client ID and/or client secret) are invalid.

It is recommended to validate the client ID and client secret and try again.

Also it is quite uncommon that there are multiple data containers on ionBiz within the same database. Please check whether this is the intended design.

How do I check the client ID?
When I checked the client ID and used the ones that are available the error itgenoda192 pops up.

Is there anything I can do?

The client ID is provided by the supplier on ionBiz. The client ID starts with 0x; if not an error code itgenibz022 is raised.

There is also a second 0x within the client ID. Absence of that one triggers itgenibz023.

In the next release, the client ID is also printed in the error message as natural key on itgenibz022.

It has been fixed. The error occurred due to a change in the rights of our admin user. I’ve added a resource to the resource field with the correct rights.

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