Table FINANCIALPERIODS not found in connection

Since a few days ago, I am getting an error on existing reports connected to our environment. We have a startup SQL which throws out the following error. This table however does exist and is available. Has an update broken this?

Hope someone can help, thanks ahead!

Request ID: 0HN7OKTLKQ94J:0000000C (HTTP/1.1)
Error code: itgenboe074
De opstart-SQL-statements van de database hebben een gebruikersfout veroorzaakt, lees de rest van deze fout aandachtig door.
Neem s.v.p. contact op met de ontwikkelaar van de opstart-SQL.
Onbekende tabel ā€˜FINANCIALPERIODSā€™.
Mogelijke geldige alternatieven: FinancialPeriodStatistics.

Is it possible to add the startup SQL as a reply?

Yes! See below

use all;

create or replace view GeneralLedgerBalancesAll
select fpd.COMPANY_CODE
,      fpd.COMPANY_NAME
,      fpd.year
,      fpd.period
,      gle.* except gle.financialPeriod, gle.company_code, gle.company_name
from   FinancialPeriods fpd
join   GeneralLedgerBalancesV2(fpd.company_code, fpd.Period) gle

The contained problem is:

Onbekende tabel ā€˜FINANCIALPERIODSā€™.
Mogelijke geldige alternatieven: FinancialPeriodStatistics

The problem could not be reproduced using the script provided.

Through a separate channel a request will be made for delegation.

The problem could also not be reproduced using delegation. The error neither occurred through the UniversalSQL-editor nor through direct access of the URL

It is recommended to try again.

Thank you for trying! I have tried again today, and it works fortunately! I do not know what the issue was. Anyway, solved!

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Thanks for the update. It is weird; maybe some intermittent occuring bug.

In case the problem occurs again please add a reply or start a new topic referring to the URL of this one.

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